- The publication brand manifests the core competitive ability of publishing enterprises. 出版品牌是出版企业核心竞争力的重要体现。
- How to shape and cultivate the core competitive ability is always a problem concerned by enterprises and academics. 摘要如何塑造和培养企业的核心竞争力一直是企业界和学术界关心的问题。
- Information technology Outsource (IT Outsource) is the one of core competitive ability in the enterprise for 20 years. 信息技术外包(以下简称“IT外包”)是近20年来企业加强核心竞争力的主要途径之一。
- The focus of core competitive ability is how to help client (culturist) make a profit. 核心竞争力专注的焦点(发力点)是客户(养殖户)赢利
- The medical quality is hospital core competitive ability manifesting,the medical service quality control is the hospital management eternal subject. 医疗质量是医院核心竞争力的体现,医疗质量管理是医院管理永恒的主题。
- Independent innovation is the intrinsic demand for the sustainable development of enterprises, and the key of their core competitive ability. 摘要自主创新是企业实现可持续发展的内在要求,是其核心竞争力的关键。
- Library is an important channel to effectively transfer and promote knowledge innovation,to strengthen the core competitive ability of libraries. 图书馆对知识进行有效的转移是促进知识创新、增强自身核心竞争力的重要途径。
- The core competitive ability A Shenzhen praised Germany the deep country to throw the fine letter cyclopentadiene square already to introduce the core renter sam shop. 核心竞争力A 深圳嘉德深国投 嘉信茂广场现已引进核心租户山姆店。
- At last, through the constructing of disciplines and specialities, teacher resource, student quality, campus culture and college image to cultivate Bengbu college's core competitive ability. 进而通过学科专业建设、师资力量建设、学生质量建设、校园文化建设及学院形象建设等具体途径来培育蚌埠学院的核心竞争力。
- Combining the reality of Zhuzhou Smelter Group, the article has introduced several aspects on constructing the core competitive ability arid proposed the main approach to build it too. 文章结合株冶集团的实际,介绍了构建核心竞争力的几个方面,提出了打造核心竞争力的主要途径。
- For boosting up core competitive ability, manufacturing Process Reengineering must put in practice, partial enterprises" logistics operation needs epiboly, using external resource to achieve. 为了增强核心竞争力,制造企业流程重组势在必行,其中一部分企业物流业务要外包,利用外部资源来完成,形成制造专家和物流行家的联合与协同。
- "Rainstorm the core competition ability henceforth is not 9 single play, join game and community cheek by jowl however. “暴雨今后的核心竞争力不是一两款单一的游戏,而是将游戏和社区紧密地结合到一起。”
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- Knowledge employees are an important part of enterprise human resources,and play an important role in promoting enterprise core competition ability. 知识型员工是企业人力资源的重要组成部分,对提高企业核心竞争力起到至关重要的作用。
- Beg change, the impulsion that innovation is business development, also be the core competition ability of the enterprise. 求变、创新是企业发展的原动力,也是企业的核心竞争力。
- English grooms is the core competition ability of new east, but, to new east, "Complete education " it is direction certainly. 英语培训是新东方的核心竞争力,但是,对于新东方来说,“全教育”一定是方向。
- This also is strange happy park from beginning to end importunate core competition ability and the largest dominant position. 这也是奇乐公园始终坚持的核心竞争力与最大优势。
- core competitive ability of city logistics 城市核心竞争力
- Want to solve this problem to ask inspect grain industry breeds his core competition ability, can offer to owner agile, comprehensive project management serves function. 要解决这个问题就要求监理企业培育自己的核心竞争力,能够向业主提供灵活的、全面的工程管理服务职能。
- From Baidu development course of 10 years looks, "Innovation is begged change " became its most the core competition ability that the person approbates. 从百度十年的发展历程来看,“创新求变”成为了其最为人认可的核心竞争力。