- coque simul (拉)同时煮沸
- The Christian is simul iustus et peccator. 基督徒是圣徒,同时也是罪人。
- It also presents a physical simul ation system for the FMS. 并介绍了一种柔性加工系统的实验室模拟方法。
- It was indicated by simul ation that the method was feasible. 数据仿真结果表明,这种方法是可行的。
- Bilateral orchiopexy and concealed penis correction was in simul. 结果:经过适当药物准备后,一次性手术效果满意。
- The results show that the schedule,location and time of every heat can be determined simul... 优化结果同时可给出生产作业顺序、工艺路线和生产时刻等,测试结果证明了该方法的有效性和适用性。
- It's known that many employers ask many candidates to take the further interview simul so as to simplify the program. 要知道,许多的雇主会让多名候选人一同进行复试以简化程序。
- Finally,the effect of some ecological engineering BMPs implemented in the priority sub-watersheds was simul. 提出了一种分级选择控制区,以确定流域内重点非点源控制区并实施最佳管理措施的优化方法。
- Seabed, peg-leg, and long-range multiples were simul ated and computed i nteractively on workstation by ray tracing scheme. 通过射线追踪计算模拟海底多次波、层间多次波及全程多次波。
- In rebus quibuscumque difficilioribus non expectandum, ut qui simul, et serat, et metat, sed praeparatione opus est, ut per gradus maturescant. 对于一切事物,尤其是最艰难的事物,人们不应期望播种与收获同时进行,为了使它们逐渐成熟,必须有一个培育的过程(黄风)。
- The calculation of an example indicates that the combined optimal model is better than the single one in terms of simul... 实例计算表明,该方法是可行的,所建立的组合优化模型在拟合与预报精度上要优于单一的模型。
- The control principle can improve power angle stability and generators terminal voltage characteristics simul taneously. 控制规律兼顾了改善系统的功角稳定性和发电机端电压特性两方面要求。
- Several CVJOR under different dimensional conditions are made in order to test the validity of the results of the FEM simul ation. 用工艺试验验证了有限元计算结果的正确性。
- Secondly,given a chord length and a relative ground clearance,the wings in ground effect with different aspect ratios and endplate are simul. 首先,对给定面积和离地高度下不同展弦比的地效翼进行数值模拟;然后,对给定弦长和相对飞行高度下不同展弦比和带端板的地效翼进行数值研究。
- This thesis mainly carries on research of three dimensional surface reconstruction of variable intake manifold and air fluid simul. 可变式进气歧管能提高进气效率,是发动机低转速时能提高缸内负压的可变机构。
- The processing parameters were predicted by numerical simulation.Compated with the analytical solution,the results of numerical simul ation were reasonable. 同时,利用数值模拟预测了微粒的凝聚过程参数,并且与解析解进行了比较,表明数值计算可靠,并且需要作为解析解的补充。
- This paper presents an experimental method in situ,in which the artificial ground motion is simul taneously excited by the vibrators located at three points on the ground. 本文介绍一种新的现场试验方式:三点激振,研究了在不同类型起振机、不同形状振动基础条件下的人工地震增油技术,观察了增油效果。
- This paper shows that it is possible to model and simul ate any CIM vector controlled system used for agricultural pump or fan by means of advanced MATLAB and SIMULINK platform. 使用当前先进的MATLAB语言及SIMULINK环境,对农村中大量使用的拖动风机与水泵类负载运行的笼型感应电动机(CIM)矢量控制系统,进行了建模和仿真。
- The deformation analysis and the theoretical resolution on the precision necking of the cylinder were made.The mecking parameters were studied by numerical simul... 并对圆筒精密缩径进行了变形分析和理论解析,采用数值模拟和实验方法研究了缩径成形参数,优化了工艺设计。
- Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filioque procedit. Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas. 我信圣神,祂是主及赋与生命者,由圣父圣子所共发。祂和圣父圣子,同受钦崇,同享光荣。祂曾藉先知们发言。