- The law contains detailed regulations concerning copyright protection. 法案还包括了版权保护的其他细节规定。
- The bedlamite that copyright protects says: Somebody drank half cups freely! 版权保护的疯子说:有人免费喝了半杯!
- In the end, copyright protection is sorely needed if creators are ever to capitalize on their work. 最终,当创作者想不断利用他们的作品时,著作权保护就变得非常重要。
- In the end,copyright protection is sorely needed if creators are ever to capitalize on their work. 最终,当创作者想不断利用他们的作品时,著作权保护就变得非常重要。
- But if they want,they can waive copyright protection (as many have done by offering free downloads of music). 但是如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护(正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样)。
- A copyright protects the physical expression of intellectual or artistic effort, not the idea. 版权保护的是对智力或艺术成果的有形表达,而不是想法。
- To exchange information concerning the trend on legislation for copyright protection in each country. 交换各国的保护著作权立法动向等的相关信息。
- China jointed two treaties of WIPO to improve the level of Internet Copyright Protection. 我国加入世界知识产权组织两个条约着力提升互联网版权保护水平。
- This photo is copyright protected and may not be used in any way without proper permission. 意思是未经允许,不得以任何形式使用,即使是去了水印的。
- The technique of digital watermark is one of the valid methods for copyright protection. 数字水印技术是实现版权保护的有效办法之一。
- To obtain statutory copyright protection, materials must be published with the copyright notice. 要想获得成文法版权的保护,作品出版时必须有版权标志.
- But if they want, they can waive copyright protection as many have done by offering free downloads of music. 但是如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护,正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样。
- Copyright Office publications, "New Terms of Copyright Protection," says the following. 版权办公室的出版物“著作权保护的新期限”中这样写道.
- We propose a copyright protection protocol for a distribution model of digital videos in the paper. 摘要文章针对数字视频分发模型提出一种版权保护协议。
- Traitor tracing scheme is a branch of digital fingerprinting,which provides a useful tool for copyright protection. 叛逆者追踪是数字指纹的一个分支,为版权保护提供了一个重要工具。
- But if they want, they can waive copyright protection (as many have done by offering free downloads of music). 但是如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护(正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样)。
- The theory of public domain is not limited to the fixation of protecting border of copyright protection and protecting contents to be confirmed concrete cases,but to establish the whole theoretical framework of copyright law on the base of it. 公共领域理论的关键并不限于确定著作权保护的边界以及在具体的案件中用于确定保护与不保护的内容,而是以此为基石建立整个著作权法理论框架。
- Berne Convention is the most important and most effective world copyright protection convention. 《伯尔尼公约》是最重要、影响最大的世界性版权保护公约。
- If they want, they can waive copyright protection as many have done by offering free downloads of music. 如果他们愿意,他们也可以放弃著作权保护,正如许多人提供免费音乐下载一样。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。