- It is infeasible to directly deposit copper coating on carbon fiber of hydrophobic nature and inertia. 碳纤维具有疏水性和表面惰性,很难直接镀铜。
- The microwave reflection and absorption effects in epoxy matrix composite ma-terials containning lossy substances and nickel coated carbon fiber resonator have been studied. 研究了含有谐振子和损耗介质的环氧树脂基复合材料对电磁波的反射与吸收效应。
- Application of Metal coated Carbon Fiber Felt in EMS Materials 镀金属碳毡在电磁屏蔽材料中的应用
- Sometimes the carbon rods are copper coated to improve electrical conductivity. 有时这些碳棒包上一层铜,以增加其导电性。
- Yixing Xinwei Carbon Fiber Weaving Co., Ltd. 宜兴市新维碳纤维织造有限公司。
- Titanium Composite Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic. 中文翻过来就是钛复合碳素纤维增强型塑料。
- Black, Salmon, Ceramic and Carbon Fiber. 黑色,鲑鱼,陶瓷和碳纤维。
- Machinary for making Staples -Machinary for making Brads -LowCarbon WireDrawing Machine -Galvanizing Low Carbon WireMachine -Machine for Copper Coated Low Carbon -Glue for making Staple -... 查看“机械及工业制品-行业专用机械设备”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- The rear end has a carbon fiber diffuser. 在尾部有一个碳纤维扰流.
- The electrodepositing technique of copper matrix composite reinforced by a cheap carbon fiber felt has been investigated. 选用廉价的碳毡作为增强体,成功地摸索出用电沉积法制取碳毡/铜复合材料的工艺。
- After specially processed like titanium coated and copper coated etc, the stainless steels present various colors which rich more decoration effects. 不锈钢材料经过特殊处理如镀钛、镀铜等元素后呈现出的各种色彩更加丰富了装饰效果。
- All products can be delivered in powder coated carbon steel, stainless steel or washdown versions. 所有产品可提供粉末涂层碳钢,不锈钢或冲洗版本。
- Metallographic structure of copper coated graphite powder and sintering material were analyzed and the reason of the material having high conductivity was illust... 本文还分析了这种钢镀覆石墨粉末及其烧结材料的金相结构,解释了材料的高导电性的原因。
- This paper describes the rnanufacturing technology at home and abroad,themixing of short carbon fiber and copper alloy powder,and the formmg technique of C/Cu compo-site,etc. 概述了国内、外碳/铜复合材料制造工艺;短碳纤维与铜合金粉末的混合;碳/铜复合材料的成型工艺等。
- The field emission properties of hafnium coated carbon nanotubes(CNTs) were investigated. 研究了表面沉积铪膜并进行后处理对碳纳米管膜场电子发射性能的影响。
- For the paper industry, high-brightness white barite powder can be used for paper. Copper coated paper fillers and fillers to enhance brightness and improve the surface coverage. 用于造纸工业,高白度重晶石粉可用于白板纸。铜板纸的填料和涂布填料,以提高白度,提高表面覆盖率。
- Carbon fiber shows potential for deepwater, ultra-deep mooring. 碳纤维在深水和超深锚系装置上显示出潜能。
- Carbon Fiber shank plate offers midfoot and arch support. 碳纤维稳定片则提供了中底与足弓处的支撑。
- A carbon fiber driveshaft will be standard issue for the SLS. 碳纤维传动轴将标准问题的补充劳工计划。
- Objective To establish an accurate method to determine diphenhydramine hydrochloride by coated carbon PVC membrane selective electrode. 目的建立用涂碳式聚氯乙烯膜盐酸苯海拉明电极测定盐酸苯海拉明片含量的方法。