- There exited two different copper ion in compound 3, Cu (II) and Cu (I). 化合物3中同时存在两种价态的+1和+2价Cu离子,结构为二维贯穿网状结构,相邻的两组贯穿网络结构通过氢键作用连接起来。
- But, stroke speed had no effect on the removal for adsorbing copper ion and cadmium ion. 吸附铜离子和镉离子时,振荡速率对吸附效能完全没有影响。
- Copper and polymerized ferric sulphate were prepared by using scrap iron coils to react with acid wastewater containing copper ion. 利用废铁卷与含铜酸性废水作用制备金属铜和聚合硫酸铁,并用聚合硫酸铁作絮凝剂处理酯化废水。
- The product mainly secreted in the medium is a bifunctional enzyme with the optimal pH value and concentration of copper ion. 表达产物为双功能酶,分泌至培养基中的酶活力远高于胞内。
- The adsorbability and selectivity of the copper ion imprinted polymer is tested by the method of static adsorption and fluidizing adsorption. 采用静态和动态法分析研究铜金属离子印迹聚合物的吸附性能和选择性。
- The application of hydrometallurgical processes which remove copper ion may recovery lots of metals in waste perforated anode and cathode plates. 采用置换除铜湿法工艺可从废旧正、负极穿孔钢带极片中回收多种金属。
- The resultsshowed that the order of maximum uptake capacity of copper ion was: 0.6SCA8 >0.6SCA5>0.6SCA2 > 0.1SCA8 >0.1SCA5 >0.1SCA2 >SOP >0.1CA >AOP >0.6CA >OP. 结果还表明;对于铜离子的吸附;不同的吸附剂吸附能力有以下的顺序:0.;6SCA8 > 0
- By method of transmission electron microscopy(TEM),effect of three copper ion ultrastructure of spleen cell of carp Cyprinus carpio was revealed for the first time. 应用透射电镜的方法,研究了三种铜离子浓度对鲫鱼脾细胞超微结构的影响。
- The copper ion content is determined with direct spectrophotometry after the engine oil was incinerated,dissolved with acid and developed with Neocuproin-Hydroch lorid Monohydrat. 将机油灰化、酸溶解后,新亚铜灵显色、直接光度法测定铜离子含量,样品回收率在92。
- The result shows copper is oxidized to copper ion by sodium thiosulfate, copper ion reacts with ammonia, which is produced by sodium bicarbonate, to complex ion. 研究了各组分浓度、温度对蚀刻速率的影响作用,并进行了蚀刻溶液对钢设备的腐蚀性能研究。
- Copper ions adsorption by beer yeast was studied by AAS,FTIR,SEM/EDS etc. 采用AAS,FTIR,SEM/EDS等方法研究了啤酒酵母对铜离子的吸附作用。
- On the wafer surface the copper ions settle as a thin layer of copper. 电镀完成后,铜离子沉积在晶圆表面,形成一个薄薄的铜层。
- A new assay for indirectly detecting nitric oxide in serum was established. Nitrate was reduced to nitrite by activated spongy cadmium with copper ion on a microscale chromatographic column, then the nitrite was measured by the Griess reaction. 采用铜离子活化海绵镉微型柱层析法将血清中的硝酸盐 (NO-3 )还原为亚硝酸盐 (NO-2 ) ;再通过Griess反应测定NO-3 /NO-2 总量以反应体内一氧化氮 (NO)水平 ;从而建立血清NO间接测定新方法 .
- Oxford Instruments X-ray Microanalysis 1350 EDX was applied to analyze elements on the surface and cross section of the membrane which had been adsorbed bilirubin in order to determine the leaking of Copper ion onto the membrane. 实验用Oxford Instruments X-ray Microanalysis 1350能谱仪分析螯合膜吸附胆红素后表面与截面元素组成,以测定在吸附过程中铜离子的泄漏问题。
- The two products,cross linded amino starch(CAS)and dithiocarbamate modified starch(DTCS)were efficient to asdorption for copper ion with characteristic of Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal equation. 研究了CAS和DTCS吸附铜离子的动力学行为 ;结果表明 ;二者对铜的吸附均符合Freundlich等温式 .
- The activity of immobilized lactate dehydrogenase(LHD)prepared via absorption method was studied by X-ray micro-area analysis using lactate as a substrate,K 3 and copper ion as trapping agent. 利用X射线微区分析,对吸附法得到的固定化乳酸脱氢酶的活性进行了分析;
- The increase of adsorption temperature was also found to enhance the removal for adsorbing chromium ion and lead ion, whereas it had no effect for adsorbing copper ion and cadmium ion. 吸附铬离子和铅离子时,吸附温度上升会提升吸附效能,但在吸附铜离子和镉离子的情况下,则完全没有效应。
- Abstract:Objective To assay zinc and copper ion content in hippocampus of senescence accelerated mouse prone 8(SAMP8) and the influence of metallothionein 3(MT3) on it compared with MT1. 摘要:目的 研究快速老化痴呆模型小鼠(SAMP8)海马锌和铜含量的变化及外源性金属硫蛋白3(MT3)对SAMP8海马锌和铜含量变化的影响,并与MT1进行比较。
- The Avoidance of Eel Larvae (Anguilla japonica Tem. et Schl.) in the Solution Containing Copper Ions. 鳗鲡仔鱼(Anguilla japonica Temn.;et Schl
- When this glass coating contact with sea water,it releases copper ions which inhibit adhesion of sea creatures. 当此玻璃涂层与海水接触时,释放出的铜离子阻止海洋生物附着在涂层上。