- A shareholder of a rural cooperative bank shall meet the requirements for subscribing shares of financial institutions. 农村合作银行股东应当符合向金融机构投资入股的条件。
- When establishing a branch, the rural cooperative bank shall appropriate it the running fund adaptive to its business scale. 农村合作银行设立分支机构应当按照规定拨付与其经营规模相适应的营运资金。
- There are no guarantees that the counterparties with whom COOPER BANK deals are creditworthy. 库银不保证与库银进行交易的对方的信用。
- Nothing in this paragraph obligates COOPER BANK to insure adequate balances in any of Customer's margin accounts. 库银没有义务确保在客户的任何保证金帐户中保有足够的余额。
- Customer and COOPER BANK agree that punitive or exemplary damages shall be unavailable in any arbitration between them. 客户和库银同意,双方之间的任何仲裁均不应裁定任何惩罚性或惩戒性违约损害赔偿。
- The Yinzhou Rural Cooperative bank founded in April, 2003, whose property right is joint-stock and cooperative, and it has been admissive by the government. 从2003年鄞州联社改制为鄞州农村合作银行已经2年有余,制度变迁的绩效也逐渐显露出来。
- These market recommendations may or may not be consistent with the market position or intentions of COOPER BANK its affiliates and employees. 此等市场建议可能与市场情况或库银、其关联公司和员工的意图相符或不符。
- If Customer's account is, for any reason, being traded without Customer's authorization, Customer must notify COOPER BANK's Compliance Officer immediately. 如果因任何原因客户的帐户被交易而未取得客户授权,客户必须立刻通知库银的执行官员。
- Written objections on Customer's part shall be directed to COOPER BANK's Compliance Department by fax, and shall be deemed received only by return fax requested. 客户作出的书面异议应以传真方式直接发送给库银执行部,且仅当用户收到传真确认回复后方被视为已收到。
- COOPER BANK will not be held liable for errors that are not reported to COOER BANK's Compliance Department after forty-eight (48) hours of the time of the event complained of. 库银将不为在四十八(48)小时之后仍未报告给库银执行部的错误承担任何责任。
- Except as provided in paragraphs 16 and 17 hereof, COOPER BANK will not transfer funds among Customer's accounts without the prior written authorization of Customer. 除本协议第16款和第17款规定的情形之外,未经客户事先书面授权,库银不得在客户的帐户之间转移资金。
- Savings banks, savings and loans, cooperative banks and credit unions are actually classified as thrift institutions. 储蓄银行,储蓄和信贷协会,合作银行和信贷协会等被归为储蓄机构。
- Cathay United, Taiwan Cooperative Bank and Chinatrust Commercial Bank are said to be interested in Fuzhou City Commercial Bank, another larger city in Fujian province across the strait. 国泰世华,合作金库银行和中国信托商业银行据说对福州市商业银行,另外一家福建省内较大的城市银行,十分感兴趣。
- II. The deposit reserve ratio of 8.5%, which now applies to the rural cooperative banks, shall be changed to 9%. 二、现执行8.;5%25存款准备金率的农村合作银行将执行9%25的存款准备金率。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- For any transfer of funds authorized by Customer as provided herein, Customer hereby agrees to indemnify COOPER BANK for any liability, which may arise to COOPER BANK from the transfer. 对于本协议中规定由客户授权进行的任何资金转移,客户在此同意为库银因此等资金转移而承担的任何责任向库银作出补偿。
- Customer also agrees to pay promptly to COOPER BANK all damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by COOPER BANK in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement. 客户还同意向库银立刻支付库银在强制执行本协议任何规定的过程中所遭受和发生的一切损害、支出和费用(包括律师费)。
- Alternatively, sufficient funds to take delivery or the necessary delivery documents must be received by and in the possession of COOPER BANK within the same period described above. 或者作为另一个选择,库银必须在与上述期间相同的时期内收到并掌握足够资金以进行交付或必要的交付文件。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- We decided to set up a cooperative. 我们决定开办一家合作社。