- convulsion with cyanosis 乌痧惊风
- His face was convulsed with rage. 他的脸因发怒而抽搐。
- Past history review showed neonatal hypotonia, feeding difficulty with cyanosis, and poor activity. 过去史显示新生儿期会有低肌肉张力,喂食困难,及活力差的现象。
- In this report, we describe a full-term female neonate with cyanosis soon after birth. 我们报告一位出生后不久即出现发绀的足月产女婴。
- We were convulsed with laughter. 我们笑得前俯後仰。
- The country was convulsed with civil war. 该国因内战而动荡不安。
- The audience were convulsed with laughter. 观众笑得前仰后合。
- He was convulsed with laughter [anger]. 他捧腹大笑 [气得发抖] 。
- Convulse. His stomach was convulsed with laughter. 但是笑到胃抽筋也是用这个。
- They were convulsed with laughter. 他们捧腹大笑。
- His joke had us convulsed with laughter. 他的笑话逗得我们前仰后合地大笑起来。
- Don't be convulsed with laughter, which stultifies you. 别咧着嘴大笑,你不觉得有点傻吗!
- Conclusion The younger age and shoter delitescence and spasm companyed with cyanosis are the three major factors of death of neonatal tetanus. 结论年龄小、短潜伏期和痉挛伴紫绀是新生儿破伤风死亡的3个主要因素。
- Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos. 触觉和听觉的刺激可诱使病牛惊厥和角弓反张。
- Amniotic fluid may gain access to uterine veins following a tear in the placental membranes and embolize to the lungs, producing acute dyspnea with cyanosis and shock. 羊水通过羊膜的破裂口进入子宫静脉栓塞到肺,引起急性呼吸困难,伴面色苍白和休克。
- Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opposthotonis. 触觉和听觉的刺激可诱发惊厥和角弓反张。
- Looking at his cute dress, his girlfriend was convulsed with laughter. 看到他这身可爱的妆束,女朋友笑得前仰后合。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。