- This is the most convincing evidence that I can find to prove my point. 这是我所能找到的最令人信服的证据,以证明我的观点。
- We are in possession of convincing evidence. 我们有令人信服的证据。
- I don't know if he can offer convincing evidence. 我不知道他是否能够提供有力的证据。
- So far there is no convincing evidence that it is violated. 迄今为止还没有它被破坏的确凿证据。
- The lawyer could not produce any convincing evidence. 律师拿不出任何有力的证据。
- It's strong and convincing evidence that there's ice there too. 有确凿证据表明,火星上还有冰。
- There's no convincing evidence that human pheromones even exist. 人类信息素是否存在都没有确凿证据。
- There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. 有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。
- Rigor mortis gave the heartsick survivor convincing evidence for burial. 尸体僵硬之后,伤心欲绝的艾斯特洛便?{为死亡确凿,可以埋葬了。
- Dr. Blix told this council that Iraq has provided little evidence to verify anthrax production and no convincing evidence of its destruction. 布利克斯博士曾经向安理会报告说,伊拉克几乎没有提供多少证实伊拉克生产炭疽细菌的证据,也没有提供什么令人信服的已经销毁这种细菌的证据。
- In no case have we seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance that the inspectors were coming. 我们绝未发现令人信服的证据证明伊拉克方面事先知道核查人员将要来到。
- While there has been speculation that central actions of propranolol might contribute to its antihypertensive effects, there is no convincing evidence. 虽然有人推测心得安的中枢作用可能与其抗高血压作用有关,但缺乏具有说服力的证据。
- The author is of the opinion that without convincing evidence, Song Yu should be accredited with the authorship. 所以 ,我们认为 ,在拿不出有力证据来否定宋玉作《笛赋》的情况下 ,应当认同古文献对《笛赋》的题名 ,承认《笛赋》为宋玉所作。
- He claimed with convincing evidence that America would outrun Europe in discovering the Higgs boson. 他作出了人类在未来可以找到这种玻色子的著名预言。
- The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems. 黑洞最强有力的证据来自对双星系的研究。
- There is convincing evidence that smoking has close relations with some serious diseases. 有令人信服的证据证明吸烟和一些严重的疾病有密切的关系。
- In order to find the first exception applicable, a court must find "clear and convincing evidence" that Congress intended to restrict access to judicial review. 为了确认第一条例外,法院必须找到“明白无误并具有说服力的证据”,证明国会有限制司法复审的意图。
- There was "convincing evidence" for leaving the agreement because "many countries are developing and perfecting medium range rockets", he said. 他表示,“许多国家正在研制并完善各种中程导弹”,所以俄罗斯有“令人信服的理由”退出该条约。
- But observation by the Hubble Space Telescope in recent years provided convincing evidence for the existence of the event horizon. 但近年哈勃太空望远镜的观测竟然为黑洞视界的存在提供了一些有力的证据。
- In a civil case, the plaintiff must usually establish his or her case by a "preponderance of evidence" or "clear and convincing evidence. 在民事案件中,对于立案原告通常应承担清楚及可信的举证责任或者更具优势/更可信举证责任。