- I was convinced by his potent arguments. 他那有力的论据把我说服了。
- We are convinced by his eloquence. 我们为他的口才所折服。
- We are genuinely convinced by his talents. 我们对他的才干心服口服。
- I am not at all convinced by your explanation. 您的解释完全不能使我信服。
- I am not at all convinced by your opinion. 你的看法根本说服不了我。
- I'm not at all convinced by your opinion. 你的看法根本说服不了我。
- I'm not wholly convinced by your argument. 您的论证我尚未尽以为然.
- I am not quite convinced by what he has said. 他的话还不足以让我信服。
- He was convinced by her argument. 他为她的辩论所折服。
- I am never convinced by his word. 我从来没相信过他的话。
- People are more convinced by words than by blows. 说理,令人信服;高压,令人侧目。
- They must be convinced by the evidence. 他们一定是被证据说服了。
- The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her. 陪审团认为指控她有罪的证据很充分。
- My wife was quite convinced by what the salesman told her, but to me it was just a lot of double talk. 我太太很相信推销员对她说的话,但我认为那只是花言巧语而已。
- The jury are convinced by the weight of the evidence against her. 陪审团认为指控她有罪的证据很充分。
- A few wavering Republicans may be convinced by the tough talk. 一些左右摇摆的共和党人可以通过苦口婆心的劝告改变立场。
- And some were convinced by what he said, but others disbelieved. 他所说的话,有信的,有不信的。
- Dr Conway-Morris is not convinced by Gould's arguments. 康威-莫瑞斯博士并不相信古德的观点。
- I am almost convinced by your remarks on some degrees. 在某种程度上对你所说事宜,我很感兴趣。
- We utterly failed to convince them. 我们根本说服不了他们。