- This method has following advantages: high converting rate, low soluble cadmium,good product quality,simple operation and cheap manufacture cost. 该法具有转化率高,可溶性镉低,产品质量好,工艺简单易操作,生产稳定且成本低等优点。
- By comparing the sodium hydroxide method and the salvolatile method,the former with low cost and high converting rate is a new valuable process for spreading. 进行了氢氧化钠法和碳酸铵法的对比研究,得出了氢氧化钠法生产成本低,转化率高,是值得推广的新工艺。
- BAD IVTC ** :: bad inverse telecine. process of converting rates was incorrect. 错误的反转电视电影TC。转换祯频不对。
- At the end of December,the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate was at 7.7734,40 pips stronger than the convertibility rate. 于十二月底,港元汇率为7.;7734,较兑换保证适用汇率强40点子。
- The issuance and redemption of CIs are made against US dollars at the convertibility rate of $7.80 to US$1 for the account of the Exchange Fund. 负债证明书的发行和赎回均须以1美元兑7.;80港元的兑换汇率在外汇基金帐目内以美元结算。同样,发行和回收流通硬币也是按1美元兑7
- The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate strengthened to close at 7.7734 on 30 December, 40 pips stronger than the convertibility rate. 港元汇率在十二月三十日转强至7.;7734,较兑换保证适用汇率高40点子。
- The convertibility rate for the Aggregate Balance began to move by 1 pip per calendar day from 7.75 with effect from April 1. 由四月一日起,总结余兑换保证适用汇率开始由7.;75的水平,每一公历日调整一点子。
- The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate strengthened to close at 7.7734 on 30 December,40 pips stronger than the convertibility rate. 港元汇率在十二月三十日转强至7.;7734,较兑换保证适用汇率高40点子。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13-15,triggering the Convertibility Undertaking. 汇率在十月十三至十五日期间转弱,降至兑换保证适用汇率水平,引发兑换保证交易。
- At the end of December, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate was at 7.7734, 40 pips stronger than the convertibility rate. 于十二月底,港元汇率为7.;7734,较兑换保证适用汇率强40点子。
- The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13-15, triggering the Convertibility Undertaking. 汇率在十月十三至十五日期间转弱,降至兑换保证适用汇率水平,引发兑换保证交易。
- There was some selling of Hong Kong dollars ahead of the Easter holidays, reflecting market expectations of a slight weakening of the convertibility rate. 复活节假期前夕,由于市场预期兑换保证汇率会轻微转弱,所以出现小规模的资金外流。
- She decided to convert from Judaism. 她决定不再信犹太教。
- There was some selling of Hong Kong dollars ahead of the Easter holidays,reflecting market expectations of a slight weakening of the convertibility rate. 复活节假期前夕,由于市场预期兑换保证汇率会轻微转弱,所以出现小规模的资金外流。
- He is a recent convert to Christianity. 他最近改信基督教了。
- He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen. 他想将美元换成日币。
- He was sent out to convert the heathens. 他被派去教化那些异教徒。
- Reflecting increased purchases of US dollars before the Lunar New Year, partly by note-issuing banks to provide backing for additional banknote issuance, the exchange rate briefly weakened and touched the convertibility rate of 7.75 in mid-February. 农历新年前市场买入美元的交易增加,部分由于发钞银行要为新发行纸币提供支持,因此港元汇率一度转弱,在二月中跌至7.;75,即兑换保证适用汇率的水平。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?