- conversion of freight mileage 换算货物周转量
- Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly. 你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱。
- The engine pulled a long line of freight cars. 这台机车拉了一长列货车。
- The locomotive pulled a long line of freight cars. 那台机车拖了一长列货车。
- Conversion of one substance into another. 变质从一种物质向另一种物质的转化
- Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord. 计划订单的个别转换。
- The conversion of a solid or a gas into a liquid. 固体或气体转化为液体的过程。
- Account for conversion of bonds payable. 应付债券转换账户。
- Conversion of an analog signal to a digital signal, with steps between specified levels. 利用规定量化间隔,把模拟信号转化成数字信号。参阅quantization。
- Tons of freight were flown into this airport every day. 每天有许多吨货物被空运到这个机场。
- The volume of freight handled will amount to 40 million tons. 货物运输量将达到四千万吨。
- Hong Kong airline is increased surtax of freight service fuel 33% . 香 港航空公司调升货运服务燃料 附加费33%25。
- This consists of conversion of greasy wool into clean wool. 这是把含脂的羊毛变成干净的羊毛。
- Figure 2 Batch Conversion of DWG/DXF in AutoCAD Civil3D 2008. 图3对话方块提供使用者档案格式、版本选取,并进行批次转换。
- Conversion of industrial waste from liability to asset. 工业废料由废变益的转换。
- The supposed conversion of base metals into gold or silver in alchemy. 转变在炼金术中假想的从贱金属到金或银的转变
- Technical conversion of cement grinding system of Lushan Cement Co. 鹿山水泥公司水泥粉磨系统的技改介绍。
- Tons of freight are flown into the airport every day. 每天成吨的货物运抵该机场。
- Under the optimum conditions, a conversion of 67% was achieved. 在最适反应条件下,丙烯醇环氧化反应转化率可达67%25。
- Conversion of an optically active substance to a racemic form. 外消旋转化将光学活性物质转化为外消旋形式