- contusio bulbi 眼球钝挫伤
- Furthermore, 2 cases of phthisis bulbi were noted. 此外发生眼球萎缩者有2例。
- Methods Using the thyroid implantation in camera anterior bulbi of hamster. 方法用大鼠进行眼前房甲状腺埋植实验。
- Report a case of siderosis bulbi without definite ocular injury history. 摘要报告一无明显外伤史之眼球铁质沈着症病例。
- Meanwhile,there is no bulbi hypertonia or center damage on the optical. 术后最佳矫正视力显著提高,未发生高眼压及人工晶体光学中心损伤。
- Complications included traumatic cataract, glaucoma, vitrous fibrosis, retinal detachment and phthisis bulbi, ect. 主要的并发症包括外伤性白内障、青光眼、玻璃体纤维化、视网膜剥离及眼球萎缩等。
- Objective To approach the protection of camera anterior bulbi to thyroid homograft. 目的论证[眼]前房对同种甲状腺移植物是否有保护作用。
- The serious complications include retinal detachment (10), neovascular glaucoma (19) phthisis bulbi (7), recurrent hemorrhage (27), and MPP (2). 在本系列中,较为严重的并发症包括视网膜剥离10眼、新生血管性青光眼19眼、眼球痨7眼、复发性出血27眼,以及重型网膜周边增殖(MPP)2眼。
- Posterior scleritis is an inflammatory process in the sclera near equator bulbi oculi and peri-optic nerve,and it is uncommon and often under-recognized because of its various clinical presentations. 后巩膜炎临床表现多样,易并发葡萄膜炎、继发性青光眼、视网膜脱离、视网膜动静脉阻塞、环状脉络膜脱离等。
- lacertus musculi recti lateralis bulbi 眼外直腱膜
- endothelium camerae anterioris bulbi 眼前房内皮
- tortuositas vasorum conjnctiva bulbi 结膜血管纡曲
- tortuositas vasorum conjunctivae bulbi 结膜血管纡曲
- musculus obliquus bulbi inferior 眼球下斜肌
- musculus obliquus bulbi superior 眼球上斜肌
- arteriae bulbi vestibuli vaginae 阴道前庭球动脉
- Use of preserved scleral graft in patients with phthisis bulbi 异体巩膜移植对眼球萎缩的美容效果
- Keywords ophthalmic operation;anaesthesia at infrafascia bulbi; 眼球筋膜下麻醉;眼科手术;
- Phthisis bulbi caused by late congenital sy-philis untreated until adulthood 成年才接受治疗的晚期先天性梅毒所致的眼球痨
- 2.Report a case of siderosis bulbi without definite ocular injury history. 摘要报告一无明显外伤史之眼球铁质沈着症病例。