- In 1998, when Northwest bought a controlling stake in Continental, the DoJ sued them both. 1998年,当Northwest对Continental控股时,司法部对两家都进行了起诉。
- While GM doesn't own a controlling stake in Wuling, underestimating the unit's importance to the Detroit auto maker would be a mistake.Mr. 尽管通用汽车并不控股五菱,但若低估这部分业务对该公司的重要性可谓大错特错。
- Hostile takeover attempts are extremely rare in Hong Kong, where in many smaller listed companies the largest shareholder owns a controlling stake. 极少有人尝试在香港进行敌意收购,在香港规模较小的上市公司,都是最大的股东持有控股权。
- While GM doesn't own a controlling stake in Wuling, underestimating the unit's importance to the Detroit auto maker would be a mistake. 尽管通用汽车并不控股五菱,但若低估这部分业务对该公司的重要性可谓大错特错。
- The multinational car and lorry manufacturer, DaimlerChrysler, is paying $2.1bn for a controlling stake in Japanese car maker Mitsubishi Motors. 德美合资的汽车巨人戴姆勒克莱斯勒宣布出资21亿美元收购日本三菱汽车部分股份并取得三菱的控制权。
- The current board, headed by Agustin Morera, rates Aragonese highly, but will not initiate any contact while Juan Soler continues to hold onto his controlling stake of the club. 瓦伦西亚俱乐部主席奥古斯丁.;莫雷拉对阿拉贡内斯评价很高,但是在索莱尔继续控股的时候他不会和老帅接触。
- Italy's government owns 49.9 per cent of Alitalia and has promised to sell a controlling stake of at least 39.9 per cent, by the end of June if possible. 意大利政府拥有意大利航空49.;9%25的股份,并承诺,如可能将在6月底前至少出售39
- However, though Softbank still has a controlling stake in the valuable Yahoo!Japan, the country's biggest internet portal, most of its other investments have proved duds. 不过,虽然软银仍然控制着雅虎日本这一价值不菲的日本第一大门户网站,但是公司的大多数投资却打了水漂。
- The Stuttgart-based company, Porsche Automobil Holding SE, has secured 10 billion euros in loans to buy the remaining shares in Volkswagen AG it needs to hold a controlling stake. 斯图加特的公司,保时捷汽车控股东南,有担保百万点零万欧元在贷款购买其余股份在大众汽车公司需要持有控股权。
- The following year, Mr.Kang bought a controlling stake from the foreign investors, renamed the company STX, and set out to make it the base of a new conglomerate. 翌年,Kang从外国投资者手中购买了控股权,并把公司更名为世腾,并以此为基础开始创建新的集团。
- CDB began working in January on an offer to buy a controlling stake of roughly 50 per cent in Dresdner for about $10bn from Allianz, the German insurer. 国开行今年1月开始着手准备以约100亿美元从德国安联保险集团(Allianz)手中收购德累斯顿银行约50%25股权的方案。
- Lloyds will raise GBP 5.5 billion in capital and HBOS said it will raise GBP 11.5 billion, with the U.K. government taking a controlling stake in the combined company. 莱斯银行将筹集55亿英镑资本,HBOS称其将融资115亿英镑,英国政府将在合并后的公司持有控股股权。
- Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd, the world`s third largest producer of alumina, is seeking a controlling stake in its aluminium joint venture in Saudi Arabia, its chairman said on Monday. 中国公司的铝公司, 世界s 第三位最大的矾土生产者, 正在沙特阿拉伯的它的铝共同投资中寻求一控制赌注,它的主席在星期一说。
- This move dealt a blow to the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange where the private funds were traded and led to the government having a controlling stake in a number of private companies. 这一变动使得布宜诺斯艾利斯股票市场大跌,私募基金被交易,导致政府对一部分私营企业拥有控制力。
- Traditional stock brokerages will not be permitted to trade financial futures but the largest of the country's110- odd securities firms have bought controlling stakes in futures brokerages in preparation for the products. 传统证券公司将不会获准进行金融期货交易,但在中国110余家证券公司中,一些规模最大的公司已购入期货公司的控股股份,为此类产品的推出做好了准备。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很难管教。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。