- Gets the service control handle for the service. 获取服务的服务控制句柄。
- Structure that contains the service control handle for the service. 结构,包含服务的服务控制句柄。
- What specific user interactions will this control handle? 该控件将处理何种特定的用户交互?
- Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. 获取创建控件句柄时所需要的创建参数。
- Drag the control handle on the trunk to the right to create more branches. 将树干上的控制手柄向右拖动,以创建更多分支。
- Place on drawing to label paths. Right-click for a resizing control handle. 放置在图纸上以标记路径。右击使用调整大小控制手柄。
- Faucet controls handle to Chan Bing and Shuang Bingzhi are divided. 水龙头控制手柄有单柄和双柄之分。
- After measuring, do place the measuring tools in the safe place under the control handle. 量具用好后,必须放在操纵杆下的安全地方。
- Bracket with text outside of it. Use right-click menu and control handle to configure text block. 外部带有文本的方括号。使用右击菜单和控制手柄可配置文本块。
- You can add or adjust a pointer from the box to a location on the mind map by clicking the shape and dragging the box's yellow control handle. 通过单击该形状并拖动该框的黄色控制手柄,您可以在构思图中添加指针或者调整指针在构思图中的位置。
- Pull the corresponding control handle on the crane consol (hoisting, slewing , luffing), then the crane can do the work accordingly. 扳动起货机操纵台上相应的控制手柄(起升、回转、变幅),起货机便可进行相应的动作。
- Control handles this situation automatically by increasing the number of cells. 控件会通过增加单元格数目来自动处理这种情况。
- Remote control handles shall be made of black nylon four-arm handle with nylon color-coded index buttons. 远程控制开关是黑色的、尼龙十字型把手,当中是不同颜色标示的尼龙指示钮。
- starting and fuel control handle 起动及燃油控制手柄
- hydraulic traversing control handle 液压方向机操纵手把
- Supplier takes measures to ensure that production processes control handling, storage, and packaging as to prevent damage or deterioration, and preserve product quality. 供应商采取措施确保产品过程控制搬运、储存和包装,以防止损坏或腐蚀,并保持产质量量。
- Hanson, L., Wienholt, W., &Sperling, L., (2003), “A control handling comfort model based on fuzzy logics”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 31(2), pp.87-100. 叶哲维,(2001),“应用灰关连分析方法于婴幼儿汽车安全座椅之舒适度探讨与评价模式建立”,成功大学工业设计研究所硕士论文。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- His official designation is Financial Controller. 他的职称是财务总监。
- Early list controls handled only text. Unfortunately, that decision often affects their behavior to this day. 早期的列表控件只能处理文本,这种决策至今仍影响其行为。