- They have just got accustomed to the traffic control regulations fast very much. 他们很快就习惯了交通管理条例。
- China relaxes birth control regulations and lifts four-year wait for second child. 中国放宽节育的规定,取消须等四年才能有第二个孩子的限制。
- Article12 Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations. 第十二条食品容器、装材料和食品用工具、备必须符合卫生卫生标准和管理办法的规定。
- In terms of the money saved, the good money will be preferred over the bad, if this is not disallowed by exchange control regulations. 然而,就储蓄而言,若没有货币管制的话,大家当然会选择良币。
- Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations. 第十二条食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备必须符合卫生卫生标准和管理办法的规定。
- But at generalconditions, outlet concentration of SO2 cannot arrive at emission control regulations completely if only use CaO as absorbent. 但通常情况下,只用氧化钙作吸收剂出口二氧化硫的浓度不能完全达到排放的标准。
- Sometimes government export control regulations and trade sanctions can constrain your freedom to distribute copies of programs internationally. 有时政府的出口管制规则和贸易制裁会限制你全球性的传播软件的自由。
- The application of LM621 in an infrared remote control regulating. 621在无刷直流电机红外遥控调速系统中的应用。
- The thesis studies the characters of the system, designs the basic group control regulations and the dispatching strategy. 本文研究了电梯群控的系统特性,并设计了电梯群控基本的规则和不同交通模式下的调度策略。
- PPP International Health Plan is specifically designed for expatriates. Non-expatriates may apply subject to applicable governing laws or exchange control regulations. ppp国际保健计划是专为移居国外的人士而拟定的,非移居者亦可按照相关法律或外汇管理条例的规定提出申请。
- West Brom striker Roman Bednar insists he will learn from his mistakes after a three-month suspension for breaching Football Association doping control regulations. 西布罗姆维奇前锋罗曼贝德纳在因为违反足协禁药条例而被禁赛三个月后坚信他将从错误中吸取教训。
- The value of the assets of the Fund as measured in dollars may be affected favorably or unfavorably by fluctuations in currency rates and exchange control regulations. 以美元计算基金价值,外币的汇率和外汇管制条例肯对基金的价值既产生正面影响也可产生负面影响。
- Violations of other Customs control regulations contained in this Law that result in failure or suspension of Customs control over inbound and outbound means of transport, goods and articles. 第五十二条人民法院判处没收的走私货物、品、法所得、私运输工具和罚金,海关决定没收的走私货物、品、法所得和罚款,全部上缴国库。
- Imported foods, food additives and containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must comply with the national hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations. 第三十条进口的食品、食品添加剂,食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具及设备,必须符合国家卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定。
- The Acts relate to a wide range of offences such as dealing in precious minerals, dealing in drugs, violation of exchange control regulations, immigration offences and money laundering. 有关法例所涉及的罪行,范围广泛,包括贩卖贵价矿物、贩卖毒品、违反外汇管制规则、违反入境法例、洗黑钱等。
- Samoa No no foreign exchange control regulations, and allow the Chinese people in the Samoa Islands Chinese (or other languages) with the company name printed Chinese constitution. 萨摩亚政府暂无任何外汇控制法规,并允许中国人在萨摩亚群岛注册中文(或其它语种)公司名称与印制中文章程。
- In coal burning process, the formation, moving, emission and control regulations of pollutant and the NOx pollution control technology are the key study content in coal burning field. 以万松岭隧道工程开挖为研究对象,对隧道工程开挖施工爆破地震波的振动监测方法及控制技术进行了研究。
- Ideal for applications where the valve is not readily accessible, these actuators provide a labor-saving alternative to manual flow control regulation. 特别适用于不容易操作阀门的环境,这些执行机构能够替代人工流体控制调节,节省人工成本。
- Article 30 Imported foods, food additives and containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must comply with the national hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations. 第三十条进口的食品、食品添加剂,食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具及设备,必须符合国家卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定。
- Relationship between Competition Pohcy and Industry Policy in the Area of Merger Control Regulation: E. C.'s Experience sand What China should I. 合并控制领域内竞争政策和产业政策的关系:欧共体的经验以及中国应当从中学习什么?