- contrast test card 对比度测试卡,灰度测试卡
- Each channel had a unique themed test card. 每个频道都有各自不同主题的测试卡。
- The optician asked him to point to a test card. 验光师指着视力表问他:"你能认出来吗?"
- Contrast The IMAGER is printing a contrast test print. 打印对比度测试片。
- Study on Contrast Test in Different Seeding Season under Lawn of Festuca Arundinaces Schreb. 高羊茅草坪不同播种季节对比试验研究。
- Through on-the-spot contrast test, before and after adding additive, measured the density of tunnel dust after blast. 通过现场对比试验,测量了加入添加剂前后的爆破后巷道粉尘浓度。
- Therefore, the jigging and the spiral dressing equipments are adopted to conduct the contrast test of different grains. 因此采用跳汰、螺旋两种选矿设备进行不同入选粒级的对比试验。
- Methods A study of randomized double-blind contrast test was performed with piracetam as contrast medicine. 方法 采用随机双盲对照试验,对照药物为吡拉西坦。
- Besides, the crossing contrast test has teen made by using bar forgings,the test result shows that forging MB26 ingot is practicable. 同时还与棒材锻件做了交叉对比试验研究,试验结果表明,用MB26铸锭锻造是可行的。
- You can learn the card reader is normal by operating the card reader self-test button or using the test card to verify. 可先行操作读卡设备本身之自我测试功能键,检查读卡设备是否正常或使用测试卡测试。
- A contrast test was made to know the influence of anthracite coal co-firing on the safety and economy of boilers in thermal power plant. 为了掌握掺烧无烟煤对锅炉机组安全、经济性的影响,进行了掺烧对比试验。
- This Memory Test Card series is with PCI interface, and it works with motherboard to repair the DIMM. 该系列内存维修卡采用PCI接口,通过配合主板来达到维修内存的目的。
- Through the contrast test, the seepage coefficient from this method has the very good relevance to the conventional pumping test. 通过对比试验,该方法所测得渗透系数与常规抽水试验渗透系数数值有很好的相关性。
- The test card was transmitted by television companies at times when viewers weren't supposed to be watching. 电视台会在用户收看电视的低峰时段传送图像测试卡。
- And research the effect of the steel fiber length, the max coarse aggregate size and specimen size on the fracture toughness of SFRC by contrast test. 并作对比试验,研究钢纤维长度、粗骨料最大粒径以及试件尺寸等对混凝土断裂韧度的影响。
- Principle The test card is based on immunochromatography of double-antibody sandwich. 检测原理 本试纸为免疫层析法对病毒进行双抗体夹心检测。
- Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provide free of charge can be used for genital health cheek. 赠送阴道炎自我女性肾虚如何调理检测卡,对生殖器健康进行定性检查。
- The best continuous casting process parameters for GCr15 are found out through contrast test,the inner quality of casting billet and rolled steels obviously improved. 通过对GCr15连铸工艺参数的对比试验,找到了最佳的连铸工艺参数,明显提高了铸坯及其轧材的内部质量。
- Then a real-time scheduling approach and implementing flow-chart based on RM algorithm was presented, and a strict contrast test of the real-time scheduling approach was given. 因而,在RM算法基础之上提出一种实时系统调度算法及实现流程图,并对提出的现场级实时调度算法进行了对比测试。
- This Memory Test Card series is easy to use, and have good stability.And it is your ideal tool to repair your damaged DIMM. 该系列内存维修卡使用方便,稳定性好,是内存条测试和维修的好帮手。