- "I'll" is a contraction of "I will". “I'll”是“I will”的缩写。
- The contraction of muscle is a reaction of the body. 肌肉的收缩是人体的一种反应。
- "I'm" is a contraction of "I am". "I'm"是"I am"的缩写。
- The word "sib" is a contraction of "sibling". “同胞”是“同胞兄弟”的简称。
- Contraction of the timbers left gaps in the fence. 木料收缩, 结果围墙露出缝来。
- "Won't" is a contraction of "will not". "won't"是"will not"的缩短形。
- "O'clock" is a contraction of "of the clock". “O'clock”是“of the clock”的一种缩写形式。
- The heat of fusion is equal to the heat of solidification. 熔解热等于凝固热。
- The word "sib" is a contraction of " sibling ". “同胞”是“同胞兄弟”的简称。
- contraction of solidification 凝固收缩
- Cold weather causes a contraction of two inches in the bridge. 寒冷的天气会使这座桥缩短两英寸。
- Your contract of employment terminates in December. 你的聘约十二月份到期。
- I think I'll make a CIF contract of this lot. 这批货我准备按成本加运保费价格条件签定合同。
- Sign the contract of self-service. 签订自主服务合同。
- The contraction of this muscle raises the lower arm. 肌肉的收缩使前臂抬起。
- Pay the price as provided in the contract of sale. 按照销售合同规定支付价款。
- That results from the sustained contraction of the facial muscles. 由于面部肌肉的持续收缩。
- Caps: A contraction of capitals, meaning upper case characters. 大写:英文是缩写字。
- In the process of solidification the same amount of heat is released. 在固结过程中则将释放出同等的热量。
- A contract of insurance is said to be a contract. 保险合同被称作为"坦率诚实"合同。