- That's also true of bank money orders. 银行小额本票也适用。
- contraction of bank money 银行信用紧缩
- The credit crunch in Europe worsened over the summer as corporate bond finance issuance failed to plug the gap left by a sharp contraction of bank lending. 欧洲信贷紧缩的局面在今年夏天有所恶化。公司债券融资发行未能填补银行放贷急剧收缩所留下的缺口。
- There were some conflicts of interest since some directors, or their companies, were major borrowers of bank money. 假公济私的事情也确实不少,有些董事或他们所代表的公司都是银行的主要贷款户。
- "I'll" is a contraction of "I will". “I'll”是“I will”的缩写。
- The contraction of muscle is a reaction of the body. 肌肉的收缩是人体的一种反应。
- "I'm" is a contraction of "I am". "I'm"是"I am"的缩写。
- The word "sib" is a contraction of "sibling". “同胞”是“同胞兄弟”的简称。
- He always pays us by bank money order. 他经常用银行小额本票支付。
- Contraction of the timbers left gaps in the fence. 木料收缩, 结果围墙露出缝来。
- There are a wad of bank notes in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- There is a wad of bank note in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- "Won't" is a contraction of "will not". "won't"是"will not"的缩短形。
- "O'clock" is a contraction of "of the clock". “O'clock”是“of the clock”的一种缩写形式。
- Bank money: Money on deposit at a bank. 银行存款:存在银行的货币。
- He keeps his money at home because he has a great mistrust of banks. 他把自己的钱放在家里,因为他很不信任银行。
- All the bank money was converted into cash. 所有的银行票据都兑换成了现金。
- The word "sib" is a contraction of " sibling ". “同胞”是“同胞兄弟”的简称。
- There is a wad of bank notes in the bag . 包里有一叠钞票。
- What can calligraphy help you in the jobs of bank? 书法对你在银行的工作有什么帮助?