- Implementation of Continuous Rigid Structure for Short Piers and Stress Analysis for Segment No. 矮墩连续刚构的实现及零号块受力分析。
- concrete continuous rigid structure 混凝土连续刚构
- continuous rigid structure curved bridge 连续刚构弯桥
- Buliu River Great Bridge in Guangxi is a particularly flexible prestressed concrete continued rigid structure with the main span of 235m,pier height of 97m and bridge width of 8.3m. 广西布柳河大桥主桥为主跨235m、墩高97m、桥宽仅8·3m的特柔预应力混凝土连续刚构桥。
- Zero (0) section of large span continuous rigid structure 大跨度连续刚构0号段
- continuous rigid structural bridge 连续刚构桥
- continuous rigid structural railway bridge 连续刚构铁路桥
- Design of Continuous Rigid Structure of V-shape Piers of Main Bridge of Nansan Bridge of Shilong Town of Dongguan City 东莞市石龙镇南三桥主桥V型墩连续刚构设计
- Construction Technique of Suspending Pouring With Hanging Basket of Continuous Rigid Structure 连续刚构挂篮悬浇施工技术
- Analysis and Control of Construction Deflection of V-shape Pier Continuous Rigid Structure of Dongmin Bridge 东明大桥V型墩连续刚构桥施工挠度分析与控制
- Monitor and Analysis on Strain of Cantilevered Cast-in-place Segment of Big-span Prestressed Continuous Rigid Structure Bridge 大跨度预应力连续刚构桥悬臂现浇段应变监测与分析
- Hingh rigid structure strengthened rib. 强化肋的强韧结构。
- Experience on Design of Continuous Rigid Structure of V-shape Piers of Main Bridge of Souththree Bridge at Shilong Town of Dongguan City 东莞市石龙镇南三桥主桥V型墩连续刚构设计体会
- Among them, the rigid structure belongs to the crevasse. 其中,刚性结构面属于裂隙型;
- continuous rigid structure 连续刚构
- The excessive deflection in the midspan is one of the main faults in long-span continuous rigid frame bridges. 跨中下挠过大是目前国内大跨径连续刚构桥的主要病害之一。
- We had a successful attempt in the study of Prestressing Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge"s construction control skills. 在预应力混凝土连续刚构桥施工控制技术研究方面,进行了一种成功的尝试。
- The results showed that the SAMs of pure Schiff bases possessed some unfilled defect sites due to their rigid structure. 研究结果表明,因席夫碱分予的刚性结构,使自组装膜中含有部分缺陷。
- The perfect combination of high rigid structure and aerometal has strong stability,can bear large pressure, making the whole machine durable. 高刚性框架与航空铝的完美结合,承重大,稳定性强,使整机平稳、经久耐用。
- Shuangliu Guangdu Road Pedestrian Bridge is a three-span partial prestressed continuous rigid frame bridge, possesses Europeanize architecture style outside. 双流广都大道人行天桥外部建筑风格为欧式建筑风格 ,结构形式为三跨现浇部分预应力混凝土连续刚构桥。