- The continuous flow of the brook formed a ravine. 溪水不断流经之处成为峡谷。
- Figure 1: Continuous flow lines in highly stressed crotch area. 图1:高应力弯钩区域的连续流径线。
- A continuous flow of visitors came to the exhibition. 参观展览会的人络绎不绝。
- Maximum continuous flow based on pipe line velocity of 20 ft. per second. 最大持续流量以管路流速每秒20英尺为计算基础。
- The flue gas cleaning process demands a continuous flow of lime-milk. 废气的净化处理过程要求有石灰乳的连续流。
- Products now continuously flow between countries. 各国间的商品交易往来不断。
- three-shaft horizontal vacuum pug mill 三轴卧式真空练泥机
- The aim of this work is to couple the continuous flow extraction (CFE) with the liquid drop techniques. 本研究对液滴技术与连续流动萃取技术联用进行了尝试。
- Its unique Continuous Delivery Cylinder (CDC) piston pumps provide a continuous flow of material to the mixing head. 其独特的连续式输送柱塞泵可以向混合头源源不断地供给原料。
- The airflow and the sand flow were taken as continuous flow bod y for study object in mathematical pattern. 在数学模型中,把气体和砂粒作为研究对象,并且将它们都看作连续的流体。
- This continual flow refreshes the water and brings vitality. 这个持续流动更新这个水和带来生气。
- Keywords Pug mill;Chain Transmission;Reliability;Improvement; 练泥机;链传动;可靠性;改进;
- These small buildings keep insects out while allowing a continuous flow of air into the living quarters. 这些小型建筑物可以隔离昆虫,又能让空气保持流通。
- A continuous flow of energy is supplied to the photosphere to make good the prodigious losses by radiation. 有一种连续不断的能流供给光球,以弥补辐射造成的巨大损耗。
- It is only where rainfall is continued that continuous flow systems develop. 只有在连续降雨的情况下,水的连续流动体系才会得以发展。
- All water bodies that have a continuous flow of water throughout the year are managed as open access resources. 全年有不间断流水的所有水体按对资源开放利用的形式管理。
- Chain Transmission Reliability Analysis and Improvement of Vacuum Pug Mill 混料练泥机链传动失效可靠性分析与改进
- ASF files can be highly compressed and can be delivered as a continuous flow of data (on-line TV or radio). ASF文件可以被高度的压缩,并且可以作为一个连续的数据流(在线电视或在线广播)来传递。
- Research on Kinematics of Roboticized Pug Mill Working Under Water-coal Slurry 液下搅拌机器人的运动学分析