- The continuing industrial unrest mocked the government's attempts to find a solution. 连续发生的工潮使政府寻求解决方法的企图遭到失败。
- China"s non-government enterprises (CNEs) grew up under the background of transitional economy of China and continuing industrialization. 中国民营企业是在经济体制转轨和继续工业化的体制和市场背景中,成长起来的。
- The coal city employment and re - employment is a vital problem that rejuvenates the Northeast old industry base and develops continuous industry of resource - oriented city. 煤炭城市就业再就业是振兴东北老工业基地、实现资源型城市发展接续产业战略亟待解决的问题。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Industry is reviving after the recession. 经济衰退后,工业正在复兴。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?
- He is looking for job in the hotel industry. 他正试着在饭店找份工作。
- The continuous industrial restructuring increases the number of service trades and intensifies the demand for higher technology and skilled workers. 不断推行的产业结构调整使服务性行业增多,使高科技以及熟练劳动力的需求增长。
- He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry. 他想扩充自己在这一行业的知识。
- Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts. 第一,没有任何成就是可以在短时间内达到的,而是需要持续的勤奋工作和努力。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- Blue skies are not a guarantee of continuing fine weather. 蔚蓝的天空不一定担保天气持续晴朗。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。
- As long as we have a well-developed market economy, market competition will drive enterprises to continue industrial and technological upgrading. 只要我们有一个健康发展的市场经济体系,市场竞争将会推动企业技术升级。
- Continuing or lasting for a month. 持续或连续一个月的
- Industry sometimes compensates for lack of ability. 勤勉有时可以弥补能力之不足。
- He paused briefly before continuing. 他停了片刻又继续进行。