- Litzenberg's role now is to hold the Yudam-ni area while Murray passes through him to continue the advance to the westward. 里特森伯格现在的任务是坚守住柳潭里,等待默雷赶上他继续向西推进。
- I propose a short rest before we continue the work. 我建议,休息一会儿再续继工作。
- With 30 years experience, we wish to continue the advancement of the transmission chain industry by providing consistent quality improvement and sustaining our innovative nature. 以桂盟集团30年的经验,我们希望藉由提供一致的质量和创新的本质,持续促进传输链条产业。
- They retreated before the advance of the enemy. 他们在敌人进军的威逼下撤退。
- They warned the two sides not to continue the war. 他们警告双方,不要再继续打下去了。
- A swamp opposed the advance of the army . 一沼泽地阻止了军队前进。
- Does Karl hope to continue the relationship? 卡尔希望继续保持那种关系吗?
- This is the basic factor of the advance in price. 这就是涨价的基本原因
- The troops fired at the advancing enemy. 部队向进攻的敌人开火。
- He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall. 他跌下来也并未气馁,继续攀登。
- Afterwards you may continue the journey. 过后你可以继续你的旅程。
- The advance detachment has engaged the enemy. 先头部队打响了。
- She hardly knew how to continue the inquiry. 她几乎不知道该怎么接着往下问了。
- They machine-gunned the advancing troops. 他们用机枪扫射进攻的敌军。
- To continue the Tutorial, click the OK button. 若想继续学习该教程,请单击“确定”。
- The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army. 部队向前进,赶跑了敌人。
- No one can halt [stop] the advance of history. 谁也不能挡住历史的前进。
- Exit the shell to continue the boot. 退出介壳将继续开机过程。
- We voted to continue the strike. 我们投票决定继续罢工.
- The advance of the enemy troops was halted by a heavy snow. 一场大雪阻止了敌军的进攻。