- contingecy expropriation 紧急征用
- Confiscation is distinct from expropriation. 没收与征用不同。
- Historically, expropriation is rare but very visible. 从历史上看,征用的事例虽然不多,但却非常瞩目。
- Just Compensation for Land Expropriation:Dream or Reality? 土地征收:公平补偿离我们有多远?
- The third part focuses on the land expropriation procedures. 第三部分主要论述了土地征收的程序。
- During the process of urbanization the chief question is Land expropriation. 城镇化遇到的首要问题就是征地问题。
- Who is responsible for the farmers interest with the expropriation of the land? 土地征用农民利益谁来负责?
- It is not hard to see how the law could be used to legitimise expropriation. 这样就不难看出这部法律是如何被用来合法的剥夺知识产权。
- It is not hard to see howthe law could be used to legitimise expropriation. 不难看出,这部法律是如何被用来合法的剥夺知识产权的。
- There do exist international law regarding expropriation and compensation. 在征收补偿方面存在着国际法规则。
- The fourth part focuses on the land expropriation compensation system. 第四部分主要论述了土地征收的补偿制度。
- Compulsory purchase, zone expropriation or purchase of land at declared value. 一徵收、区段徵收或照价收买。
- The current land expropriation system in China needs further reform. 研究结论中国现行征地制度需要进一步改革。
- Expropriation of the local tyrants was only a temporary measure to defray part of the army's expenses. 用“打土豪”罚款的方法筹措军费,只能是临时的和部分的。
- In extreme cases, they call for the outright expropriation of privately owned assets. 在极端的情况下,他们号召立即剥夺私人财产。
- The fact was that expropriation seemed to magnify costs and reduce productivity. 实际情况是,这些企业在收归国有以后,成本增加而生产率却下降了。
- Their coffers are fuller. And there is Chinese capital willing to step in even where there has been expropriation. 它们的腰包更满了。而且,即使在那些已经存在征用风险的地区,中国资本依然愿意介入。
- Nor, even now, will they be free from the threat of expropriation, another disincentive to investment. 即使现在,他们也不会免于土地征用这又一阻碍投资的威胁。
- Its performance is unsealing houses in cities and the expropriation of collective lands in country. 行政征用主要表现为城市房屋拆迁和农村集体土地的征用,涉及人民群众的切身利益。
- Key words: country; farmer; collective owned land; land expropriation compensation; character. 关键词]农村;农民;集体土地;征地补偿;性质