- The first Continental Congress adjourns. 1774年的今天,首次大陆会议延期。
- Jefferson was delegated to the Continental Congress. 杰弗逊被委派出席大陆会议。
- Timothy Matlack was the official scribe of the Continental Congress. 提摩西·梅拉克是美国大陆议会的官方书记员。
- After the Treaty of Paris was signed, it was sent to the Continental Congress. 巴黎条约在签订之后,被送到大陆会议进行讨论与审查。
- In 1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress. 1787年,发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!
- Before the Continental Congress, George Washington resigned as commander in chief of the Continental Army. 大陆会议前,乔治。华盛顿任职为大陆军团的主将。
- Inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress. 年,发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!
- A piece of paper money issued by the Continental Congress during the Revolutionary War. 大陆币美国独立战争期间大陆会议发行的一种纸币。
- American Revolutionary War: The Continental Congress approves a Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. 1776年的今天,美国国会批准通过了宣告脱离大不列颠王国的《独立宣言》。
- In 1777, the Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, a precursor to the Constitution of the United States. 1777年,大陆国会通过了联邦条款,这个就是美国宪法的先驱。
- The second continental congress affirmed the Declaration’s privileging of the individual by making the signing of the document an important occasion. 第二次大陆会议通过做签署本文一个重要场合肯定了声明的赋予特权个体。
- Coffee was declared the national drink of the then colonized United States by the Continental Congress, in protest of the excessive tax on tea levied by the British crown. 为了抗议英国政府征收的茶叶附加税,大陆议会宣布咖啡作为美国殖民地的国家饮料。
- Independence Day is on July 4. That is a momentous American date when John Hancock, the President of the Continental Congress, signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. 独立纪念日在7月4日。那是一个重要的美国节日,因为1776年的那一天,大陆会议主席约翰安库克签署了独立宣言。
- Floyd joined the Suffolk County Militia, rose to the rank of Major General, and then was elected to represent New York State in the first Continental Congress, from 1774-1776. 弗洛伊德加入苏福克郡民兵,上升至级的少将,然后被选为代表,纽约州在了第一个大陆国会,从1774年至1776年。
- During the American Revolution the Continental Congress proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving following the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777.U.S. 美国独立战争期间,1777年,美国在萨拉托加战役取得胜利,之后,大陆议会宣告了指定的全国性感恩日。
- The continental congress elected Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin composed of such person, drafting committee of the American declaration of independence. 大陆会议选出托马斯.杰斐逊、约翰.亚当斯和本杰明.;富兰克林等人组成的委员会,起草美国的独立宣言。
- American politician and Revolutionary leader. He was president of the Continental Congress(1775-1777) and the first to sign the Declaration of Independence. Hancock later served nine terms as governor of Massachusetts(1780-1785 and1787-1793). 汉考克,温菲尔德·斯科特1824-1886美国南北战争时期的将军,1863年在葛底斯堡战役中打败了罗伯特·E·李和乔治·皮克特
- American writer and Revolutionary leader. A member of the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence(1776),he is also known for his political satires against the British. 霍普金斯,弗朗西斯1737-1791美国作家和独立战争领导人是大陆会议的成员及独立宣言的签署人(1776年),同时因其反对英国的政治讽刺文章而闻名。
- A city of southeast Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia. A trade center in a rich farming region,it was settled by German Mennonites c.1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in 1777. Population,55,551. 美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部一座城市,位于费城西部。作为一个富饶农业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺派教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。人口55,551。
- Many people embark at Dover for the Continent. 许多前往欧洲大陆的人都在多佛搭船。