- contest of doubles skating 双人滑比赛
- To compete in a contest of speed. 比赛赛跑参加速度竞赛
- Because no one else is in the contest of being you. 因为你就是你,无人与你竞争。
- Clean out contest of treasure beautiful chest. 淘宝美胸大赛的爆图。
- An honorable contest of arms becomes a mockery. 一场光荣的真刀真枪的较量,变成了一场嘲弄的事情。
- This pair of doubles played in perfect unison. 这对双打选手配合默契。
- In Kuwait a dramatic contest of ideas. 在科威特,(关于妇女权利的)观念的争论相当激烈。
- The pretty priest protested the contest of protein test. 漂亮牧师抗议蛋白质化验赛。
- The game show is an open contest of wits and strength. 该游戏节目是一项需要智力与体力的公开赛。
- The canopy walls are of double thickness. 该天盖壁是双层厚的。
- The manger was defeated in the Contest of Family Sports. 经理在家庭运动竞赛上失败了。
- Politics is too full of stories of double cross. 政治活动中充满欺骗与出卖。
- Bronze medal of double dragon design. 双龙图案铜牌一枚。
- Singing contest of English Song Sincerely wish you success! 真诚祝各位成功!
- What kind of double talk was this? 这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?
- Were you present at the declamation contest of Freshmen? 大一的朗诵比赛你参加了没有?
- I want to get a pack of Double Happiness. 我要买一包双喜香烟。
- And often still hold contest of beach car itinerate in abroad. 而且在国外还经常举行沙滩汽车巡回赛。
- If you don't, she accuses you of double crossing. 少去点,怨你猎艳。
- That is the avoidance of double taxation. 普: 这就是说避免国际间双重纳税。