- Dialup access and content provider. 拨号接入和内容提供商。
- The content provider could recognize that and refuse access. 那么,内容供应者就会认出,并拒绝该请求。
- Shanghai Epic does not collect AACS Content Provider Fees. 上海新索不收取AACS内容提供商费用。
- If the content provider specifies links to additional pages, would you like to make those pages available offline too? 如果内容提供商指定了附加网页链接,是否也要使链接的网页可以脱机使用?
- If you click this link, the content provider may add a cookie to your system to identify you for future transactions. 如果单击此链接,内容提供商可能在您的系统中添加一个Cookie,用来在以后的事务处理中对您进行识别。
- Eclipse JFace implements the MVC architecture using the content provider and label provider. Eclipse JFace用内容提供者和标签提供者实现MVC架构。
- Internet Service Provider includes Internet Access Provider and Internet Content Provider. 网络服务商包括网络连接服务商和网络内容服务商。
- Being an excellent content provider purely can"t allow the Chinese Newsweekly head for powerfully. 3.;坚持“两手抓”,一手抓内容采编,一手抓广告发行。
- Today, it costs a content provider like Netflix about a nickel to stream a two-hour movie to one person. 如今,一个人从网飞公司这样的内容供应商那里接收两个小时电影的费用约为五分钱。
- The content provider fetches the data in a structured manner; similarly, the label provider obtains corresponding labels. 内容提供者以结构化的方式得到数据;类似地,标签提供者获得对应的标签。
- If any image files are included as part of an application that exposes Web content provider endpoints, this directory contains those files. 如果将任何图像文件作为公开Web内容提供程序终结点的应用程序的一部分包括在内,则此目录将包含这些文件。
- A Web content consumer endpoint appears on an application when you connect the application with a Web content provider endpoint. 将应用程序与Web内容提供者终结点连接时,该应用程序上会出现一个Web内容使用者终结点。
- Frequently, the information that you receive will include a link to further information from the third-party content provider's site. 通常,您收到的信息将包含一个链接,它指向来自第三方内容提供商网站的更多信息。
- Unfortunately most SSGs on the market are ISP oriented coarse-grained devices; where as no product is suitable for content provider. 但是当前市场上的业务选择网关都是面向网络运营商的粗粒度设备,而面向内容提供商的业务选择网关却不多见。
- Content Provided by Cultural Portals: What is offered to the audience? 文化入口的内容:提供给阅听众些甚麽?
- Richmond Internet Services Pty Ltd. - An ISP agent and local content provider for Casino, Evans Head, Coraki, Woodburn, Broadwater and Rappville. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- It is targeted as the "content provider" to match with the CATV System Stations operation,which focus on the audience acceptance rate. 它是以“信息提供”为目标,收视率为中心的有线电视系统实施。
- From the aspects of law, ISP consists of Internet Content Provider (ICP) and Internet Intermediary Service Provider (IISP). 从法律意义上,网络服务商可以分为网络内容提供商和网络中间服务商。
- MMS will bring great changes to the industrial chain of carrier, equipment manufacturer, content provider and other related. 彩信手机随着移动运营商开通彩信业务而成为市场的新宠,成为手机高端市场最畅销的产品。
- If we do not actively developing content charging mode, the content provider will eventually pay the price, content theft will laugh at the end. 如果我们不积极开展内容收费模式,内容提供商最终将为此付出惨重代价,而内容盗窃者将笑在最后。”