- The thieves got away with the contents of the safe. 那些窃贼偷走了保险箱内的东西。
- Prints the content of the statement cache. 打印语句缓存的内容。
- Content of the current record is deleted. 删除当前记录的内容。
- Edits are made to the content of the edit buffer. 对编辑缓冲区的内容进行编辑。
- Also clears the content of the active cell. 也可清除活动单元格的内容。
- Linux saves in the TSS segment the content of the. 寄存器的内容存储到TSS段中。
- Can you calculate the content of the tube? 你能计算出试管的容量吗?
- What is the content of the TOEIC test? 多益测验考哪些内容?
- The boys made away with the contents of the refrigerator. 男孩子们把冰箱中的食物吃得精光。
- Indignant viewers have been writing in to complain of the moral content of plays. 愤怒的电视观众一直向电视台写信,抱怨电视剧的内容不健康。
- A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling. 矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试
- The contents of the letter are secret. 这封信的具体内容是不公开的。
- The contents of the box spilled out on the floor. 箱子里的东西散落在地板上。
- The determination of the cubic contents of a solid. 求体积法对某一固体体积的测定
- The contents of the bag were missing. 手提袋的东西都不见了。
- Main content of the thesisare as follows. 论文的主要内容如下
- What is the content of the crude nitrogen. 污氮的含氧量是多少?
- Sets the HTML markup for the content of the tag. 设置标记的内容的HTML标记。
- The last time the content of the channel changed. 上次频道内容被改变的时间。
- He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table. 他把提包里的东西倒在桌子上。