- The unity of content and form are masterfully tendered in these works. 法度谨严,雄健古朴。
- As absolute faithfulness is impossible, what we call "the total equivalence of content and form" is just a relative concept. 摘要翻译要做到绝对忠实是不可能的,因而所谓“内容形式全面对等”的翻译只能是相对的概念。
- The ideal situation is to classroom teaching content and form a perfect combination. 理想的课堂教学情境就是内容和形式的完美结合。
- The key to achieve dynamic equilibrium of translation is to deal well with the relation ship between content and form. 要达到翻译的动态对等,关键是处理好形意间的平衡关系。
- It is imitative of Nietzsche's masterpiece Also Sprach Zarathustra, both in content and form. 它在思想内容和艺术形式两方面都体现出了明显的受尼采影响的痕迹;
- The article illustrates the importance of archivist post training, its type, content and form. 文章阐述档案人员岗位培训的重要性以及岗位培训类型、培训内容、培训形式。
- With the constant breaching of the opening ceremony in content and form, it interferes with many aspects. 随着表演内容和表演形式的不断突破和创新,其涉及到的范围和领域也越来越广泛。
- The paper confirms the rhetorical position on content and form discussed in A Rhetorical Inquiry to the Relation of Contirt and Form. 札记》充分肯定了《思考》一书就修辞的内容与形式关系展开的论述的主要观点,认为构建了一个颇有创意的框架,其中第三章“内容与形式结合的层次性”把内容与形式同能指与所指、面与辞里结合起来分析,更见创意。
- In Yuan dynasty, monogamy and polygamy coexist. People at that time paid special attention to the content and form of marriage certificate. 元代婚姻实行一夫一妻和一夫多妻并存,在婚姻成立的要件与缔结制度中,特别注重婚书的内容与形式的撰写;
- The adaptations in content and form that we are going to see are typical examples of the cultural problem in the field of advertising. 适应以我们看的内容和形式是文化问题的典型的例子在做广告领域。
- Then, when you tweak the HTML to improve the presentation, you might need to re-work the content and form of the topic navigation links. 然后,当修改HTML以改进表示的时候,您可能需要重新处理主题导航链接的内容和形式。
- Abstract: Based on former loanword researches,this text analyzed the content and form of new loanwords ,in addition, analyzed transliteration words in loanwords. 摘要:本文在前人对外来词的研究的基础上,对近年来新出现的外来词作了内容和形式上的分析,并且具体分析了外来词中的音译词。
- The Pop art of the sixties was changing the course of arthistory by expanding both content and form into the realm of trivial. 波普艺术通过把日常琐物和现成品引进艺术领域而丰富了艺术史。
- A memorial building should possess monumentality both in content and form, when it reaches to the organic unity of function and form. 纪念性建筑应具有形式和内容的双重纪念性,达到形式与功能的有机统一。
- The content and form of social changes at different historical periods are always ecorded clearly or unclearly in the memory of journalism. 摘要 不同历史时代、历史时期、历史阶段的社会变化内容和形式,总会清晰地或者模糊地留存在新闻的记忆当中。
- Along with the introduction and development of Buddhism, Chinese classical zhi-guai fiction underwent subtle changes both in content and form. 随着佛教的传入与迅速发展,中国古代志怪小说从内容到形式,都经历了一场潜移默化的变革。
- This article thinks that the content and form of Chinese shadow play embod y vivid color of histo-ry,religion and culture. 影戏演出使用的影偶、景片表演形式和影卷演出剧目及演出场合浸淫着历史与宗教文化的浓郁色彩。
- China being the major country to generate the kind of film in the world is not comparable concerning its scale, quantity, content and form. 中国作为世界动作电影的主要出产国,其创作规模、产量和内容、形式,一直都是其他国家无法比拟的。
- In the tag, we stated Biographies of Women in Ancient China had an important influence on Chinese olden novels at content and form. 引用诗歌、民间歌谣和谚语入文,增强了文章的表现力。
- Novels with the tendency of expressionism rather than traditional realism, experienced great changes in content and form. 与传统现实主义相比,表现主义倾向的小说创作在内容和形式方面发生了巨大的变化。