- Here, a contemporary writer explains how it came about. 下面请听一位当代作家讲述那是怎么一回事。
- Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions. 当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径。
- As a contemporary writer, he puts main attention on exposing current social problems. 作为一名当代作家,他将主要精力放在针砭时弊上。
- Slaughterhouse Five,the most influential postmodern novel of Kurt Vounnegut,American contemporary writer,exhibits the permanent and cruelty of war. 美国当代作家库尔特.;冯内古特最有影响的后现代小说《五号屠场》;以其独特的风格展现出战争的永久亘古和荒谬残酷。
- Junichirou Watanabe, a famous contemporary writer, wrote a lot of novels with the subject of sexual love in extramarital affairs. 渡边淳一是日本当代的著名作家,他创作了很多以婚外恋中的男女的性爱为题材的小说。
- Lasputin, a famous Russian contemporary writer, is well known for his spokesmanship of the people's better judgment and awareness. 俄罗斯当代著名作家拉斯普京被称为人民的良知和人民意识的代言人。
- The shelf is piled up with works by contemporary writers. 书架上堆满当代作家的著作。
- He rubbished most of the novels written by contemporary writers. 他把大多数当代作家写的小说贬得一无是处。
- Literature has always existed in a context of other representations, both literary and unliterary, but for the contemporary writer the surrounding material is overwhelming. 文学总是存在于其他文学的或非文学文本的表现手法当中。
- I intend to deal with contemporary writers in a separate article. 我打算在另一篇文章里论述当代作家。
- Contemporary writers are often influenced by writers of the past. 当代作家往往受到以前作家的影响。
- The contemporary writers of Shakespeare were much poorer than him. 和莎士比亚同时代的作家都比要他贫穷许多。
- Kristol was easily the most influential contemporary writer in my life, and while going over my worn collections, I’ve wondered where this attitude of detached attachment came from. 克里斯托尔自然是我生活中最具影响力的当代作家。在梳理自己的记忆时,我常常纳闷他的“既超脱又专注”的态度是怎样造就的。
- Saul Bellow (1915-2005) is considered as one of the most outstanding American contemporary writers. 索尔·贝娄被视为美国最杰出的当代作家之一。
- The collection concludes with tributes to contemporary writers: Eugenio Montale, Roland Barthes, and Marianne Moore. 文集的最后是对当代作家的赞美:欧金尼奥。
- Lu Xun s works,literary conception and spirits have directly influenced the contemporary writers. 鲁迅的文学作品、文学观念、文学精神直接影响着当代作家。
- Scott Fitzgerald, who first introduced him to a publisher, was one of the few contemporary writers that Hemingway did not turn against. 文中黑体字him若指的是主语。
- Abstract: Golding is remarkable among Western contemporary writers for his concern over humanity and his special views on inhumanity. 文章摘要: 戈尔丁小说以关注人性和对非人性的独特视角,并通过对象征体系的外化,使之在西方现代派作家中独树一帜。
- In recent years, those writers who care about human being have won the Nobel Prizes.V.S.Naipaul, as a famous contemporary writer in postcolonial literature, have also won the prize in 2001. 近年,诺贝尔文学奖倾向于褒奖那些关注人类生存问题的作家作品,而奈保尔作为当代著名的后殖民文学家,在2001年最终获得这项世界文学的崇高荣誉。
- Contemporary writers tend to comment on the abruption or the turn in Japan's pre-war history of thoughts.They fault pre-war intellectuals for changing positions. 摘要二战结束后,思想家急于撇清与侵华历史的关系,所有被他们视为转向和断裂的行为,其实都是一种身分方法,帮助自己切割与战前历史的关系。