- Watch to fertilize still causes agriculture to produce cost to rise, the consequence such as contaminative environment. 表施化肥还造成农业生产成本提高、污染环境等后果。
- Live in contaminative environment, have complete clean move only, ability won't cause bilge remain to form skin problem, can promote sequel to maintain tasted osmosis and absorb. 生活在污染的环境中,只有完整的清洁步骤,才不会造成污垢残留形成肌肤问题,并可提升后续保养品的渗透及吸收。
- The deicing salt can melt snow effectively.Nevertheless, it contaminates environment badly. 摘要融雪剂除雪效率高、见效快,但大量融雪剂的使用也给环境带来了新的污染。
- Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment? 你有勇气检举、揭发污染环境的单位和个人吗?
- Do you refuse to buy grills simply because street barbecue stands contaminate environment? 你会因为烧烤摊污染环境而拒绝吃烧烤吗?
- As a primer in MCB's epoxy paint series on electroplated steel plate and light alloys in moderately contaminated environment. 作为名盾牌环氧漆系列的底漆涂在中等污染环境下的电镀钢板和轻合金板表面。
- It is very important to always follow the donning instructions and do a user seal-check or fit-check before entering the contaminated environment. 在进入污染环境之前,严格按照使用说明佩戴,并进行佩戴气密性检查是极其重要的。
- Before overcoating thoroughly clean the surface exposed in contaminated environment by high pressure fresh water hosing and allow to dry. 若漆膜在使用期间暴露于污染环境,在涂漆前,须用高压淡水冲洗表面,任其自干。
- The coal gangue will occupy cropland and contaminate environment as a kind of industrial waste if it can not be utilized adequately. 煤矸石作为一种工业废弃渣,若不能充分利用熏将侵占良田并危害环境。
- Flexographic printing ink has characteristics of innocuity, not burning, not contaminating environment, and fast drying, it is extensively used in the package printing. 摘要柔性版水性油墨具有无毒、不燃、不污染环境、干燥快的特点,广泛应用在印刷包装中。
- As a top coat for protection on steel structure in severely contaminated environment, where superior performance, gloss and colour retention are required. 作为保护面漆,涂布于严重污染环境下的钢结构表面,使其表面保持良好的光泽度、保光性和油漆性能。
- The gangue is one kind of the renewable resources which can develop and resolve saving occupancy land,the problem of contaminating environment, and can save. 煤矸石又是一种可以开发和利用的再生资源,不仅可解决煤矸石占用土地、污染环境的问题,而且还可以节省大量天然资源。
- Debris is the side*.product of coal production which occupies field,contaminates environment,and heavily hinder the continueous development of coal industry. 煤矸石是矿井建设和煤炭生产过程中的副产品,煤矸石的排放占用农田、污染环境,严重地影响了煤炭工业的可持续发展;
- He is insensitive to the environment. 他对环境感觉不敏锐。
- She is not used to the new environment. 她对新环境不习惯。
- Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
- The main contaminative sources are analyzed. 分析了工程的主要污染源;
- Children need a happy home environment. 孩子需要一个幸福的家庭环境。
- Next, want to consider contaminative issue. 其次,要考虑到污染问题。
- He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。