- Closed containment systems have been shown to work. 停止过去的围捕方式。
- The volume contains system or paging files. 该卷含有系统和页面文件。
- So engineers must increase the density of stored hydrogen in any useful onboard hydrogen containment system. 因此要让车内氢容纳系统达到可用的程度,工程师必须提高氢的储存密度。
- The responsibilities for emergency response to hull or containment system damage of personnel concerned onboard are shown in table 3.3.6. 负责船体或围护系统损坏应急响应的各有关人员的职责见表3.;3
- He is also responsible to prepare drawings, purchase specifications and test procedures related to LNG containment system. 他也有责任准备图纸,采购清单和有关LNG容器系统的程序测试。
- Apache Geronimo uses OpenEJB as the EJB container system. Apache Geronimo用OpenEJB作为EJB容器系统。
- In membranetank designs, the cargo containment system consists of a very thin invar or stainless steeldouble-walled, insulated cargo envelope that is structurally supported by the vessel’s hull. 在薄壳罐设计中,载运容器系统由双层壁,结构上用船壳支承绝缘很薄的铁镍合金或不锈钢运载箱构成。
- The catalog contains system tables that link together by keys and indexes. 目录包含通过键和索引链接在一起的系统表。
- Both the physical and biological containment systems are divided into different levels. 物理和生物遏制分为不同的水平。
- The first or only module of a program coded with the MSP/7 library macros. This module must contain system routines required in every storage load, and can include system routines required by more than one module of the program. IBMSystem/7的模块系统程序(MSP/7)库宏指令编码的程序的第一个或唯一一个模块,该模块必须包括每次存储装入所要求的系统例行程序,也可以包括多个程序模块所要求的系统例行程序。
- Risk assessment may be required to address the comparative risk of aerosol and needlestick infection with different agents to choose the most appropriate containment systems. 可能需要进行风险评估,比较在操作不同媒介时,气胶的暴露风险及针刺感染的风险,以选择适当的防护装置。
- Such a container system opened up possibilities for attractive, interesting packaging. 采用这种容器,就可以使用美观、有趣的包装。
- The types,features and functions of several kinds of geosynthetics are introduced,and its application to waste containment systems is discussed by means of an engineering project. 简要介绍几种土工合成材料的类型、特点及功能,并通过工程实例介绍土工合成材料在废物填埋场封闭系统中的应用。
- emergency tritium containment system 氚事故控制系统
- The quota package contains system administration tools for monitoring and limiting users'and or groups' disk usage, per filesystem. 管理用户磁盘限额的工具。
- active biological containment system 主动生物防御体系
- This paper discusses hierarchy,container system,FHCP,SCMA of FC-AV;and it puts forward a solution of video transmission based on FC-AV. 本文讨论了FC-AV的层次结构、容器系统、帧头控制协议、简单内容移动架构;并针对航电系统的需求,提出了一种采用FC-AV的视频传输方案。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?