- The optimal DO in activated sludge process and contact oxidation process are respectively 4 mg/L and 6mg/L. 在活性污泥段溶解氧宜维持在4mg/L,在接触氧化段溶解氧宜维持在6mg/L。
- The pet food processing wastewater is treated by hydrolysis contact oxidation air flotation process. 介绍了水解接触氧化气浮工艺在宠物食品加工废水中的应用。
- The airlift contact oxidation process is the combination of airlift technology with contact oxidation method. 将气提技术与接触氧化法相结合而形成气提式接触氧化工艺。
- Contact oxidation plays a better role in disposing low-polluted waterscape than the biological aerated filter. 在冬季运行期,接触氧化法同样表现出一定的竞争优势。
- EIC, UASB and contact oxidation techniques were combined to process juice products on wasterwater of a beverage company. 针对某饮料有限公司果汁生产废水,采用EIC+UASB+接触氧化工艺进行处理。
- Analysed crystal structure of the contact oxidation biologic padding of fore-and-aft at huff air in the sewage transaction. 分析了改性粉煤灰加气混凝土填料在污水中曝气前后晶体结构的变化情况。
- Remediation for severely polluted surface waters by biological contact oxidation with the present bio-stimulants was investigated. 研究了生物激活剂强化生物接触氧化修复污染较严重的地表水。
- Treatment techniques of flax retting wastewater such as activated sludge,contact oxidation and comprehensive treatment were summarized in this paper. 综述了近年来的亚麻沤制废水处理技术,如活性污泥法、接触氧化法、综合处理法等,探讨了各方法的特点和优势。
- This paper discussed apply of modified fly ash vesicant concrete by way of the biologic padding of contact oxidation in sewage transaction. 摘要本文讨论了改性粉煤灰加气混凝土作为接触氧化生物填料在污水处理中的应用。
- The application of floatation acidification hydrolization biological contact oxidation process to treating kelp industrial wastewater was presented. 采用气浮-酸化水解-生物接触氧化工艺处理海带工业生产废水。
- This article describes the treatment of waste water from bamboo cooking using anaerobic fermentation and biological contact oxidation process. 结合工程实例,介绍了厌氧发酵与生物接触氧化工艺在处理竹制品蒸煮废水工程中的应用。
- We laid the biocides on the surface of the park water directly, and used the biological contact oxidation which areted 100L/h intermittently only at the hanging memb. 本实验以长春某公园污水为研究对象,采用生物填料直接布设在公园水面上,并只在挂膜期进行100L/小时的间歇曝气的生物接触氧化法,对污染水体进行直接修复研究。
- The study shows that the process biological contact oxidation between gravels canremove COD and chromaticity color from sauce wastewater effectively and realize sludgereduction. 本实验同步实现对酱油废水 COD 去除、色度去除和污泥减量化,首次尝试以砾石为填料的生物砾间接触氧化法处理酱油废水,为废水处理开辟了新的研究途径。
- The bio-ceramic contact oxidation and fibre-ball filtration are these ways of strengthen treatment for municipal wastwater primary decontamination effluence. 生物陶粒接触氧化和纤维球过滤,对城市污水一级净化出水的强化处理,效果好、费用低,是高效、低耗的污水处理新技术。
- The application of coaqulated subsidence-acidification hydrolization-biological contact oxidation process to treating textile-dyeing wastewater was presented. 摘要采用混凝沉淀-酸化水解-生物接触氧化工艺处理纺织印染废水。
- We laid the biocides on the surface of the park water directly, and used the biological contact oxidation which areted 100 L/h intermittently only at the hanging membrane . 本实验以抚顺某公园污水为研究对象,采用生物填料直接布设在公园水面上,并只在挂膜期进行100L/小时的间歇曝气的生物接触氧化法,对污染水体进行直接修复研究。
- When the HRT of two-stage biological contact oxidation is ten hours, the CODcr removal can reach 87.6%, and the last effluent CODcr can decline bellow 100 mg/L, meeting the first-level discharged criteria in GB8978. 当二段生物接触氧化法水力停留时间 10h时 ,CODcr去除率达 87 6%25 ,最终出水CODcr降至 10 0mg/L以下 ,达到GB8978一级排放标准。
- In view of the wastewater treatment problems from expressway affiliated facilities in our country, a BCO (Biological Contact Oxidation) process was tested in treatment of the peculiar with the expectation of providing a technical support to the engineers. 针对我国高速公路沿线设施污水处理存在的问题,根据高速公路沿线设施污水水量及水质特点,采用生物接触氧化工艺对高速公路沿线设施污水进行了试验研究,以期对高速公路污水处理提供技术支持,切实解决高速公路沿线水污染控制中存在的问题。
- After the biological contact oxidation process, the average COD value decreases to less 100mg/L, thus the outcome water reaches the standard stipulated in the national regulation GB8978-2000. 该段能够将前步处理的废水COD由243mg/L左右完全降低到100mg/L以下,使出水达到GB8978-2000国家综合污水一级排放标准。
- The kinetic model of wastewater biodegradation in the Biological contact oxidation process was researched and the equations is established :207 (1/S) +0.01783. It accorded with Monod equations when reaction time is24h. 此外对接触氧化池工艺处理该废水的动力学模型进行了研究。 建立了该工艺的动力学方程式为:t/(S_0-S_e)=1.;207 1/S_e+0