- The Chinese government believes that the above-mentioned food consumption pattern is likely to be realized. 中国政府相信,实现上述消费模式是有可能的。
- Changing the destructive consumption pattern of the world starts with changing your own first. 改变全球范围的破坏性消费方式,从你自身开始。
- This gradual change in the food consumption pattern will cause the staple food consumption to decrease while the supply of grain used for feed will gradually increase. 由于食物构成的变化,直接食用的口粮将继续减少,饲料粮将逐渐增加。
- With thespread of the Internet and e-commerce boom, on-line shopping as a brandnew consumption pattern gets increasing concerns. 随着互联网的普及和随之而来的电子商务热潮,网上购物作为一种崭新的个人消费模式,日益受到人们的关注。
- The paper addresses the important impact of the outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) on the meat consumption pattern in Taiwan. 摘要本文探讨毛猪口蹄疫爆发对台湾肉类消费型态之影响。
- At present the demand for high calorific value and little pollution petroleum is the biggest in the energy consumption pattern. 目前在能源消费结构中对热值高污染少的石油需求量最大。
- This kind of economic base involves the transition of developing modes of productive forces, conversion of the method of salary distribution and change of consumption pattern. 而这种可以支持和谐社会的经济基础,涉及到生产力发展方式的转变,分配方式的转换,消费方式的改变。
- In recent years, with the globalization of touristic activities, the consumption pattern of cross-cultural tourists has become a hot issue in the circle of tourism academics. 摘要近年来,随着旅游活动全球化的发展,跨文化旅游者的消费模式成为旅游学界关注的热点问题。
- Residual hopes of simply reverting to previous consumption patterns in the U. 单纯回到美国以往消费模式上的残存希望是错误的。
- The majority of rural residents have enough food and clothing and their consumption patterns have tended to optimize. 中国农村的绝大多数居民解决了温饱问题,而且生活消费结构趋于优化。
- Specially the enterprise marketing idea change as well as the general populations expend the idea, the consumption pattern change, promoted the advertising industry vigorous development. 特别是企业营销观念的变化以及广大群众消费观念、消费结构的改变,促进了广告业的蓬勃发展。
- In this step, you begin to understand the dynamics of the grid applications resource usage and consumption patterns. 在这个步骤中,您将开始理解网格应用程序的资源使用和消费模式的强大功能。
- Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living. 表明消费方式再次表明生活水平的提高。再看第六句
- But, given the very different distribution of this income, significant differences in production and consumption patterns ensued. 但由于极不相同的分配状况,导致了生产和消费的格局具有重大差别。
- Utilizing Nielsen's people meter also will allow measurement of consumption patterns for wireless subscribers beyond their mobile phones. 利用尼尔森公尺也使消费者模式的测量超过无线用户们的移动电话。
- Evidence was found for the mediator effect of the parent-child relationship on variables of consumption patterns and parents' attitudes. 亲子关系在研究假设路径模式亦被发现有其仲介效应存在;
- Tea culture forms a unique epoch style under the cross influence of customs and habits, socio-economic, and consumption patterns. 饮茶文化在风俗民情、社会经济、消费模式交相影响下,形成了独特的时代风貌。
- Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population ,the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns . 虽然许多调查所用的随机取样不能覆盖大部分人口,但是这一过程使人们能更深刻地理解选举和消费的模式。
- If present consumption patterns continue,two out of every three persons on Earth will live in water-stressed conditions -moderate or severe water shortages- by the year 2025. 如果目前的消费形态继续下去,到2025年时地球上每三人中就有两个人将生活在供水紧张的情况下,即在中度或严重缺水的情况下生活。