- I will probably open a global consulting firm. 我可能会开一间国际性咨询公司。
- Jeremy now runs a consulting firm in Southampton, UK. 目前,Jeremy在英国的南安普敦经营一家顾问公司。
- Business alliance formalized with US consulting firm Arcature LLC. 正式与美国的咨询公司。
- The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm. 这家公司被一个跨国咨询公司收购。
- Alex proposed to hire a specialist consulting firm to advise on needed changes. 亚历克斯提议雇请专门的顾问公司就必需实行的改革措施提出意见。
- The study is carried out by a consulting firm and comprises two phases. 该项研究由顾问公司负责,分两个阶段进行。
- She also worked at McKinsey and Company, a management consulting firm. 她还曾就职于麦肯锡管理咨询公司。
- An actuary at a consulting firm, Vicky needs to close a project tonight. Vicky在一家咨询公司做精算师,今晚她得完成一个方案。
- Working in such a famous consulting firm is a challenge for graduates. 对刚毕业的学生来说,在这样著名的咨询公司工作是个挑战。
- The McKinsey &Co. consulting firm promotes clarity of thought and expression. 麦肯锡咨询公司最注重使用简洁清晰的思路与表达。
- To continue our reputation as a professional, performance-oriented consulting firm. 作為一家諮询公司我们注重实效且专业的声誉。
- English. A multinational consulting firm serving the special interests of clients around the world. 一个向全球客户提供独特服务的跨国咨询公司。
- Agriteam Canada is an international development consulting firm based in Calgary. 加拿大农业咨询有限公司是总部设在卡尔加里一家国际发展咨询公司。
- To be one of the most competitive consulting firms in China. 成为中国最具竞争力的咨询公司之一。
- The WPP Group, a public-relations giant, turned him into a multimillionaire when it bought his consulting firm in 2001. 2001年,大型公关公司WPP集团收购了他经营的咨询公司,这使他成为千万富翁。
- Koster pointed the finger at her immediate supervisor, Allan Rose, a bank vice president, who left before the suit was filed and set up a private consulting firm on Wall St. 科思特指责她的顶头上司,银行的一个副总裁罗斯。罗在议论开始前即已离职,到华尔街开设私人顾问公司去了。
- CIC is the first independent Internet Wd of Mouth (IWOM) research consulting firm in China. CIC是中国第一家独立的网络口碑(IWOM)研究和咨询公司。
- DTZ is a leading global real estate advisory and consultancy firm. 强烈的事业心和责任感,出色的沟通、协调及管理能力,能承受一定的工作压力。
- Schouten &Nelissen is a leading training and consulting firm in personal and organisational development. 思腾教育集团是荷兰一家致力于组织及个人能力拓展培训方面的顶尖企业。
- Broward Davis &Associates, a surveying and consulting firm in Tallahassee, refuses to hire anyone who smokes. 新英格兰电话公司雇员可以在休息室的一小块地方喷一会烟。哈特福德联合技术总部的工人严禁在公共工作区燃火。