- It belongs to the category of project supervision in constructional industry. 本课题属于建筑业工程监理业范畴。
- I work in the construction industry. 我在建筑业工作。
- The construction industry has imploded. 建筑行业瞬间崩塌。
- Metso is the leading global supplier of technology and services for the mining and construction industries. 美卓是矿山与建筑领域全球领先的技术与服务供应商。
- But up to this time, practically every available dollar had gone into building railroads, opening the West, and constructing industries at home. 但是,直到这时,实际上每块可利用的美元,都用在建设铁路、开发西部和建设国内工业上。
- "TFI" abstract movement into construction, real estate investment and construction industries based outstanding features. “TFI”融入建筑抽象形体,突出立足房地产投资和建筑的行业特征。
- The new policy aims to revive the construction industry. 这项新政策旨在振兴建筑业。
- The Construction Industry - Exactly How Healthy Is It? 建筑业-健康到底是什么呢?
- Experience in the construction industry would be advantageous. 具有建筑业工作经验者优先考虑。
- They are heavily outnumbered by rural migrants, most of whom work as traders or in the city's service and construction industries. 他们的数量要远远小于来自农村的流动人员数量,后者中有很大一部分靠做生意赚钱,或在市内的服务业和建筑业工作。
- I.T.E.C.- Construction Industrial &Technical Equipments Co. 类别总览 > 鱼类和其它海水与淡水水产 > C.
- So does its construction industry, which has been booming. 快速发展的建筑业情况也是如此。
- She devotes all of her youth to the domestic construction industry. 她将自己的青春全部奉献给了祖国的建设事业!
- The Sanderson Group was founded in Australia 1989 by Mr. Steve A Sanderson after gaining recognition in the Film/Television and Construction Industries. 桑德森集团的成立于1989年由澳大利亚史蒂夫先生甲桑德森获得承认后,在电影/电视和建筑业。
- Its Admixture Systems business unit specifically helps customers in the ready-mix, precast, manufactured concrete and underground construction industries. 旗下的外加剂系统部门在掺水即用型预制混凝土及地下建筑等领域对客户帮助犹大。
- They are manly used to release stresses and clean rusts for large sized l shaped and H shaped steel structures in building and bridge construction industries. 该系列属于辊道式抛丸机,主要用于建筑桥梁等行业的大型工字型钢、H型钢及尺寸较高的钢结构件消除应力及表面除锈清理。
- Itinerant rural workers are the backbone of China's manufacturing and construction industries, with tens of millions crossing the country every year for work. 流动的农民工是中国制造和建筑行业的骨干力量,全国每年有数千万农民工外出打工。
- These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive. 这些政策使得建筑业的形势急转直下。
- It took them two years to construct the bridge. 他们用了两年时间建这座桥。
- These include car manufacturing, the construction industry and tourism. 这些包括汽车制造业、建造业和旅游业。