- How to construct enterprise culture of coal? 煤炭企业如何建设企业文化?
- So,it has great significance to research on supply chain management techniques,to construct enterprise application integration platform that supports supply chain management. 因此研究供应链管理技术,研究在电子商务环境中如何构建适用的企业应用系统集成平台,研究集成平台如何支持企业实施供应链管理,对推动企业在电子商务环境下科学地合理地开展供应链管理具有很重要的意义和很高的可行性。
- Influence of Construction Contract on "Sales Tax" for Construction Enterprise. 浅析建造合同下对施工企业"应交营业税"的影响。
- The construct enterprise of our country whether could acquire economic benefits and keep sustained development or not, which is depended on the competitiveness of the construct enterprise. 中国建筑企业能否在海外市场获得经济效益,并获得持续发展,将越来越取决于建筑企业自身竞争实力。
- As long as we remain subject to an alien power, too much of our energy is diverted from constructive enterprise. 只要我们仍然受到外国统治,我们就会有太多的精力不能用在建设大业上。
- Primary steps building up HSE management system were discussed in construction enterprise. 并论述了施工企业建立HSE管理体系的主要步骤。
- Inside the country and facing the world, try to be the first-class engineering construction enterprise. 立足国内,面向世界,做一流工程建设企业。
- Testing Qualification Certificate for Construction Enterprises. 建筑业企业检测能力证书。
- The legal representative of a construction enterprise is responsible for the safety in operation of this enterprise. 建筑施工企业的法定代表人对本企业的安全生产负责。
- In construction enterprises on how to attract talent? 浅谈建筑施工企业如何吸引人才?
- A national model construction enterprise featuring in scientific and technological advancement. 全国科技进步先进施工企业。
- Any construction enterprise that fails to obtain a work safety license shall not undertake construction activities. 建筑施工企业未取得安全生产许可证的,不得从事建筑施工活动。
- Constructing enterprise information systems which run on different platforms are popular based on CORBA. 使用公共对象请求代理体系结构 (CORBA)构建运行于不同平台上的企业信息系统已成为潮流。
- This idea was applied in the PDM system the authors developed for a construction enterprise. 该设计思想在为某建筑企业设计的PDM系统中得到应用,效果比较理想。
- But there are many problems for our construction enterprise to command the technologies of construction at present. 但目前我国施工企业在施工技术控制中还存在许多问题。
- Production and profits of construction enterprises continued to grow. 建筑业生产和利润持续增长。
- Therefore, to establish the highway construction enterprise credit appraisal target system is imperative. 因此,建立公路施工企业信用评价指标体系势在必行。
- This paper discusses on the programming of paying tax and obtaining tax revenue benefit for construction enterprise. 本文就施工企业如何做好税收筹划,获得节税收益,谈几点粗浅的看法。
- Projects are the base for construction enterprises to rely on for existence. 摘要工程项目是施工企业赖以生存和发展的基础。
- It took them two years to construct the bridge. 他们用了两年时间建这座桥。