drawn together or squeezed physically or by extension psychologically;
"a constricted blood vessel"
"a constricted view of life"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Another application migth be non-surgical cardiac bypasses that grow new blood vessels around those blocked or constricted by atherosclerosis. 另一个应用可能是建立非手术心脏旁路,生成新的血管围绕这些由于动脉粥样硬化阻塞或狭窄的血管。
As the stress approaches that of the tensile strength, a material that has begun to flow forms a narrow, constricted region that is easily fractured. 随著应力接近抗张强度,开始流动的材料会形成一个狭窄的收缩区,很容易发生断裂。