- Committing action is the constitute elements accordant criminal law. 实行行为是指符合刑法分则所规定的构成要件的行为。
- The EDX analysises for the IMC of Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu/Cu and Sn-0.7Cu/Ni solder joints indicate that different magnetic field directions have different effects on the atomic diffusion of different constitute elements. 且正反向强磁场条件下Sn-3Ag-0.;5Cu/Cu焊点及Sn-0
- However, in the eutectic SnBi solder joints, the constituted elements are Sn and Bi. 但是,在共晶锡铋焊点中,组成的元素为锡和铋而非单一元素。
- Only through a recon-struction of the self-identity based on all constitutive elements of modernity itself can the basic remedy be achieved. 只有在利用现代性 的各种特征的基础上帮助个体重建自我认同感,才是根本的解决之道。
- The special constitutive element of abstract potential damage is a prepositive measure for protecting legal interests. 抽象危险犯的构成要件设置是一种保护法益前置的措施,在风险社会下,具有合理性。
- Among them, confkrmity of constitutive elements is a fact that judgement, it is not a illegality judgement and liability to judge the premise. 只有在事实判断的基础上才能继续展开法律判断和责任判断,三要件之间的关系十分明晰。
- Volcanic groups in northern Taiwan include Mt.Datun, Mt.Chihsing and Mt.Guanyin volcanoes having andesite as main constitution element. 台湾北部的火山群,包括大屯山、七星山、观音山,其组成结构就是以安山岩为主。
- Therefore, the theory of crime composition should be reformed as three-level system of "deserved constitutional elements, illegitimacy and imputability". 我国的犯罪构成理论应改造为“构成要件该当性-违法性-有责性”的三阶层体系。
- We further explained the construction of the emergency response command center by two as- pects of constitution elements and software-supporting platform. 着重说明了公路应急指挥中心的逻辑结构,并从组成要素和软件支撑两个方面论述了应急指挥中心的构建方案。
- Twelve months constitute one year. 十二个月构成一年。
- The function of debate in the field of substantive wrongfulness is providing the base of explaining justification of action that keeps with constitutive elements of crime. 在实质违法性领域内争论的功能是为符合构成要件行为的正当化提供解释依据。
- Sports activities is either the momentous constitutive element of constructing socialistic "three civilization", or the important avenue and means of it. 体育活动既是建设社会主义“三个文明”的重要构成元素,又是建设社会主义“三个文明”的重要途径和手段。
- By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it’s more reasonable not to take the possessio bonae fidei as the constitutive element of the system of title by prescription. 权衡利弊,不以善意占有为要件的时效取得制度更为可取。
- Nowadays impolite drivers constitute the majority of motorists. 现在没礼貌司机占多数。
- By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it is more reasonable not to take possessio bonae fidei as the constitutive element of the system of prescription acquisition. 权衡利弊,不以善意占有为要件的时效取得制度更为可取。
- The design: Induces: form, performance, constitution element, element categories, whether with attached writing, the outline form and so on 6 kinds of design factors. 三、造形:归纳出:形态、表现、构成元素、元素种类、有无附加文字、轮廓造形等6种造形因素。
- What elements constitute the triple jump? 三级跳远的技术由哪几部分构成?
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- A byte composed of eight binary elements. 一个由8个二进制数位组成的字节。
- A byte composed of two binary elements. 一种由两个二进制位组成的字节。同two-bitbyte。