- Four conodont assemblage zones and one bed have been recognized in ascending order: 1. Pachycladina obliqua-Parachirognathus delicatulus Zone, 2. Neospatho-dus homeri-Neospathodus triangularis Zone, 3. Neogondolella cf. 在永宁镇组中识别出4个牙形石组合带(层)(由下而上):1.;Pachycladina obliqua-Parachirognathus delicatulus带;2
- Morning assemblage is held in the school hall. 晨会在学校礼堂举行。
- The motion was put to the assemblage. 这项提议已提交大会了。
- conodont assemblage 牙形石集合
- The assemblage of all galaxies; the entire physical universe. 总星系所有星系的总称; 整个自然宇宙
- There is an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture in this room. 这间屋子里放了一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具。
- What was the occasion of this excited assemblage? 为什么要开这个大会呢?
- The room was soon filled with a motley assemblage. 不多一会儿,屋子里便挤满了形形色色的来开会的人。
- The cast was an assemblage of hams. 这个演出阵容是由一群三流演员组成的。
- Mr. King was one of the assemblage. 金先生是与会者之一。
- Study is made on palaeozoic conodont fossil from Bachu Uplift and Awati Depression. 5 conodont fossil assemblage zones are identified.And their geological history and geological eras are discussed. 对塔里木盆地西部巴楚断隆、阿瓦提凹陷古生代产出的牙形刺化石进行了研究,建立了5个牙形刺化石组合带,讨论了其地史分布及其地质时代。
- A water sample can be regarded as an assemblage of protons. 一份水的标本可以看作是质子的集群。
- A unit composed of an assemblage of pieces welded together. 焊件由许多片焊接在一起的金属片组成的元件
- The assemblage of all galaxies;the entire physical universe. 总星系所有星系的总称;整个自然宇宙
- The strength of the assemblage is bondstrength limited. (纤维)集合体的强力受粘合强力的限制。
- The record section shows an assemblage of such traces side by side. 把这些道并排地集合起来,就是记录剖面。
- Cypridea-Ziziphocypris-Candona Assemblage of Aptian to Albian age. Cypridea-Ziziphocypris-Candona组合,其时代为早白垩世晚期,并相当于欧洲的阿普第至阿尔必期。
- The strength of the assemblage is bond-strength limited. 纤维集合体的强力受粘合强力的限制。
- A representative group forming part of an assemblage. 代表团作为一批人或事物一部分代表团(组)