- connected parking garages 车库连通
- Parking garages downtown charge about 8 dollars per hour. 城里的停车场每小时要收8块钱美金。
- Connect parking brake cable to brackets and lever. 连接到支架和操纵杆的团刹车钢索 。
- This allows the extremely low-riding car to be raised by 45 mm to clear speed bumps, and maneuver in parking garages. 这使得超低骑赛车提出的45毫米以清除高速碰撞,并在演习停车场.
- Parking is big concern among H1 owners because the H1, at around two meters tall, won't fit into most Tokyo parking garages. 停车是H1车主的老大难问题,因为H1约有两米高,无法进入东京的大多数停车库。
- See that parking garage over there on 56? 看见56街那个多层停车库没?
- Some American cities, including Ann Arbor, Mich., and Raleigh, N.C., are using the lights to illuminate streets and parking garages, and dozens more are exploring the technology. 美国一些城市,包括密歇根州安阿伯和北卡州婼利,正使用灯光照亮街道和停车场,和几十个其他地方正在作技术探讨。
- There is an Alleyway connecting Parking Area A and B. 地下停车场A区和B区有通道连接。
- The underground parking garages in some shopping malls are so large and complex that the mansion directors have to mark and prompt those drivers where their cars are via different color regions. 有些购物商场的地下停车场是如此的庞大复杂,以至大厦主管只好用不同颜色的地区来标示和提示那些司机他们的车子停在哪里。
- The parking garage adjoins the city park and museum. 车库紧靠着城市花园和博物馆。
- But can realize the underground parking garage automaticcontrol system. 而能不能实现地下停车场的自动控制系统。
- While Jack waits in the driver's seat, another car enters the parking garage. 杰克坐在驾驶员的座位上等候时,另一辆车驶入了停车场。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The first and largest composition was in a decidedly prosaic location: a parking garage on the outer ring of the city. 第一组、也是规模最大的一组照片拍摄于一个十分“平凡”的地点:市郊的一个停车场。
- They can't just make this all go away. There's evidence down in that parking garage, there were victims. 他们不能让这一切完全消失。在下面的停车场里有证据,那里有受害者。
- During a New Year's celebration, a lion dance is performed in a Kowloon hotel parking garage to bring good luck. 意译:香港风景图片。每当新年的庆典,一个狮子舞蹈表演在九龙饭店停车库会带来好运。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
- Detective Caldwell:Well, what about 63rd street parking garage in New York City? 考德威尔:那么,纽约第63停车场又是怎么回事?
- The first and hugest composition were in a decidedly prosaic location: a parking garage on the outer ring of the city. 1组、也是规模最大的一组照片拍摄于唯一十分“平凡”的地点:市郊的唯一停车场。
- And a car laden with Arabic language flight training manuals was found at Logan Airport's central parking garage. 并且在洛根机场的中央停车场发现了一辆装满阿拉伯语飞行训练手册的小车。