- Draws the connected line segments to the screen. 将已连接的线段绘制到屏幕。
- Into a sequence of connected line segments. 中的各段曲线转换成相连的线段序列。
- A shunt reactor is an inductor that is connected line to ground. 并联电抗器是联接在线路和大地之间的电感器
- Appends a series of connected line segments to the end of this. 末尾追加一系列相互连接的线段。
- Represents a series of connected lines and curves. 表示一系列相互连接的直线和曲线。
- Connection line identification restriction B? 连接线识别限制?
- Draws multiple series of connected line segments. The current position is neither used nor updated by this function. 画多组相连线段。这个函数不使用也不更新当前位置。
- Line Strip A line strip is a primitive that is composed of connected line segments. Use line strips for creating polygons that are not closed. 线条带是有连接的线段组成的图元。使用线条带创建的多边形不是闭合的。
- A line strip is a primitive that is composed of connected line segments. Use line strips for creating polygons that are not closed. 线条带是有连接的线段组成的图元。使用线条带创建的多边形不是闭合的。
- The cables are used as electrical connected line in household appliances, instrument and miters as well as power lighting rated voltage 300/300 V. 适用于额定电压300/300V及以下家用电器、仪器仪表及动力照明作电气连接线。
- The additional connected line identity provides additional line information for the purpose of the connected line identification presentation service (COLP). (修剪) 附加者连接线相同提供为了被连接的线确认发表服务的附加线数据。
- And it also reduce the shrink lever of the production to minimum and made the materials connect line perfect.It consumedly improve the shape quality of production. 且可使制品收缩程度减至最低,物料交接面完美无暇,大大改善制品外观质量。
- After achieving radial network structure planning, the matrix of path of plan area was calculated.The matrix of path reflects construction cost of connected line of distribution network. 在辐射状网架规划完成后,计算待规划区域的路径矩矩阵,该矩阵反应了配电网联络线的建设费用。
- The starting point of a figure is the first point in the sequence of connected lines and curves. 图形的起始点是相互连接的一系列直线和曲线中的第一点。
- Each figure is either composed of a sequence of connected lines and curves or a geometric shape primitive. 每一图形都是由一系列相互连接的直线和曲线或几何形状基元构成的。
- Redraws the connection line by using the shortest possible distance and optimally repositions its endpoints. 通过使用尽可能短的距离重绘连接线,并以最佳方式重新定位它的终结点。
- A connection line with an arrow shows direction of communication from consumer to provider endpoint. 此时会出现一条带箭头的连接线,指示从使用者到提供者终结点的通信方向。
- When the page is in place, you see a connector line indicating that a link to this page is added to the top link bar. 待网页就位后,就会看到在顶部链接栏中添加了一条指示该网页的链接的连接线。
- The LineJoin property lets you specify whether connected lines are mitered (joined with sharp corners), beveled, rounded, or clipped. LineJoin属性用于指定连接的线相互间是斜接的(联接时形成锐角)、斜切的、圆形的还是截断的。
- The test configuration of the EUT including all connected lines should be identical with that used in the open-area measurement. 包括所有的被连接的线 EUT 的测试结构应该对那感到同一在公开- 区域的测量中用。