- connected closed sets 连通闭集
- A grammatical choice is drawn from a closed set of options. 语法选择是在有限的范围內进行的。
- There were close set ribosome and cavum in the cytoplasm. 细胞质内有密布的核糖体及空腔等,空腔是由脂肪颗粒形成,多呈圆形。
- As mathematicians say, “Every simply connected closed 3-manifold is homeomorphic to a 3-sphere. 用数学语言表达就是“每个单连通3重(3-manifold)封闭体与一个三维球体同胚(homeomorphic)。”
- Results The new definition of topology is consistent with the general, and based on it, the closed sets, separation and compactness are defined. 结果这种貌似离散的非标准定义与一般的拓扑定义是一致的。在此基础上,定义了闭集、分离性及紧性,讨论了闭集、分离性及紧性的一些相关性质。
- "Han Chun Xiao Ming Yuan" in longevity Lu Liping sections of the Suzhou River in the north, close sets, and planning M7 adjacent lines. “苏堤春晓名苑” 位于长寿路武宁路段,北依苏州河,紧邻家乐福,与规划中M7线毗邻。
- Ending a connection closes its host session. 结束连接将关闭它的宿主会话。
- Eyes: People with deep set eyes are withdrawn,those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格内敛。眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒。眼睛鼓凸出来的人忠诚。
- Closer settings of lap selvedge guides. 棉卷边缘导向器隔距太小。
- Three main laws of materialist dialectics are a unity that is connatural and connected closely with each other. 唯物辩证法的三大规律是事物发展过程中固有的、紧密联系在一起而互不分离的一个整体;
- Eyes: People with deep set eyes are withdrawn, those with close set eyes are reserved or self-conscious and those with bulging eyes are faithful. 眼睛:眼睛深陷的人性格内敛。眼距近的人性格保守且非常自醒。眼睛鼓凸出来的人忠诚。
- For electron microscopy, immunopositive GFAP astrocytes connected closely with the dendrites or axons of the neurons. 电镜下神经元与星形胶质细胞之间突触的数量明显增多。
- As an ideography of abundant semantic contents, the Chinese character is a closed set with limited number while the Chinese word is an open system which is unlimited. 摘要汉字是表义文字,具有丰富的语义内容,汉字是一个有限的封闭集,它的数目是有限的,而汉语的词是一个开放系统,它是无限的。
- Summing up the experience of curing tinnitus in recent years,we find that it is connected closely with heartdisease besides the former symptoms. 总结近年来治疗耳鸣的经验,发现除上述证型外,耳鸣尚与心脏疾患(心肌供血不足)密切相关。
- Legs - Well-boned, muscular, and straight when viewed from rear with well-bent stifles, not close set but in line with forequarters. 后腿的骨骼和肌肉都很发达。从后面观查,腿直。膝关节适当弯曲,两腿不紧贴,但与前肢成一线。
- It is such“ tangible and intangible ridges” that force people to connect closely, live rationally, and never slacken their effort. 正是那些“有形、形”的过不去的“坎”,迫使人们紧密联系、性生存、敢有所懈怠。
- It is such "tangible and intangible ridges" that force people to connect closely, live rationally, and never slacken their effort. 正是那些“有形、无形”的过不去的“坎”,迫使人们紧密联系、理性生存、不敢有所懈怠。
- It is such “tangible and intangible ridges” that force people to connect closely, live rationally, and never slacken their effort. 正是那些“有形、无形”的过不去的“坎”,迫使人们紧密联系、理性生存、不敢有所懈怠。
- This paper simulates some practical random events flows and the estimating process connected closely with them random and movingly by means of pseudo random number. 本文利用伪随机数对某些实际的随机事件流及与之相关的预测问题进行随机动态模拟,以配置消防车数量的预测为例建立了数学模型,编出了计算程序,进行了具体求解。
- This is a closed set. 这个片场(拍片现场)不对外.