- Based on the merit function, a new conjugate gradient algorithm for solving linear inequalities system problems was proposed. 利用这个价值函数,提出了求解线性不等式组问题的一种新的共扼梯度算法。
- Image reconstruction is often converted to the nonrestraint extremum of the nonlinear equations.We have deduced a conjugate gradient algorithm from the extremum of norm. 图像重建常常被转化为解非线性无约束极值问题,通过范数极小化推导出共轭梯度法的一般算法。
- Accordingly, the improved conjugate gradient algorithm(ICGA) can be used to invert narrowly distributed, widely distributed and multi-modal PSD in practice. 针对以上问题,提出通过改变收敛阈值来控制迭代过程,使该算法可满足窄、宽和多峰分布的粒度求解要求。
- Our method makes use of the merits of two algorithms: first order gradient algorithm and conjugate gradient algorithm. 采用一阶梯度算法结合共轭梯度算法的方法求解了终时不固定的最优控制问题。
- The BP network architecture applied to determine GPS standalone position is designed. Meanwhile, the conjugate gradient algorithm is used to improve the training velocity and accuracy of the network. 本研究设计了适用于GPS单点定位计算的BP人工神经网络模型结构,采用共轭梯度算法改善网络的训练速度和精度。
- The algorithms were discussed detailedly, which used BP neural network and improved BP neural network with conjugate gradient algorithm forecast power network short-term load. 详细讨论了应用BP神经网络、共轭梯度算法改进BP神经网络方法进行电力系统短期负荷预报的算法,及在预报过程中对电网负荷数据进行预处理方法。
- A summarizer of recent advances in conjugate gradient algorithms for solving unconstrained nonlinear programming is presented. 综述了求解无约束非线性规划问题的共抚梯度法,总结了它近年来的研究状况,展望了未来的发展趋势。
- Improved conjugate gradient algorithm based on ANN 基于人工神经网络的改进共轭梯度算法研究
- scaled conjugate gradient algorithm SCG算法
- scaled conjugate gradient algorithm (SCGA) 标度共轭梯度算法
- the conjugate gradient algorithm 共轭梯度算法
- conjugate gradient algorithm (CG) 共轭下降法
- Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Electrical Capacitance Tomography 用于电容层析成像技术的共轭梯度算法
- modified Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient algorithm 修正Fletcher-Reeves共轭梯度算法
- Global Convergence of a Kind of Three Terms Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Algorithm 三项混合共轭梯度算法及其收敛性
- Blind Image Restoration Based on Frequency Domain Conjugate Gradient Algorithm 基于频域共轭梯度算法的盲目图像恢复
- Blind image restoration based on space domain conjugate gradient algorithm 基于空间域共轭梯度法的盲目图像复原
- Widely linear conjugate gradient algorithm with application to blind multiuser detection 宽线性共轭梯度算法及其在盲多用户检测中的应用
- The Pre-Conditional Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Inversion of Seismic Acoustic Impedance 地震波阻抗反演的预条件共轭梯度法