- It enabled the Democrats to capture the House of Representatives in the congressional elections. 它使民主党人得以在国会选举中夺得众议院。
- Then the congress elected its presidium. 然后代表大会选出主席团。
- It enabled the Democrats to capture the House of Representives in the congressional elections. 它使民主党人得以在国会选举中夺得众议院。
- Republican leaders project an end-of-September date for adjourning to prepare for the November mid-term congressional elections. 共和党领导人计划在九月底休会,以准备十一月份的中期国会选举。
- Hurricane Gustav pushed Louisiana's congressional elections back by a month, making them the last ones to be held in the country. 由于飓风“古斯塔夫”的影响,路易斯安那州推迟了一个月才举行国会选举,这使其成为全国最后举行的国会选举。
- The Democrats had cratered in the 1994 congressional elections, and she had been trounced in her efforts to enact a universal health care plan. 民主党在1994年的国会选举中大败,她倡议的全球医保计划也遭重创。
- The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of intra-party factional competition on the congressional elections. 本文探讨民进党一九八六年创党以来,党内派系势力变迁,分别观察派系于区域立委、党中央的发展,以及个别派系的势力消长之后。
- There will be pressure for even more stimulus spending, particularly if the economy is faltering when midterm congressional elections approach in 2010. 特别是当2010年国会中期选举临近时经济还是停滞不前时,需要更多的刺激计划的压力将会增加。
- Then the congress elected its praesidium. 然后代表大会选出主席团。
- In the 2006 elections, more voters voted on the issue of corruption in the midterm congressional elections than they did on any other issue. 在2006年选举中,更多的选民在国会中期选举中对腐败问题投票,远远超出任何其他问题。
- With congressional elections looming in November, President Bush is refocusing national attention on the threat of terrorism on the five-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. 随着11月国会选举迫近,布什总统在“9.;11”五周年纪念日上再次把全国关注的焦点放在恐怖主义的威胁上。
- By the time it became clear that the Republicans were going to receive a drubbing in last year's mid-term congressional elections, Mr Rove's influence had anyway declined. 不过从那以后,罗夫这颗耀眼的明星开始逐渐失去光芒。等到去年共和党在议会中期选举中明显失利,罗夫的影响已经开始变弱。
- Donald Rumsfeld resigned as US defence secretary yesterday after the Democratic party won a resounding victory in mid-term Congressional elections that were considered a referendum on the war in. 唐纳德?姆斯菲尔德昨日辞去美国国防部长一职。此前,在被视为美国对伊拉克战争全民公决的中期选举中,民主党赢得了明确胜利。
- Republicans took a beating in the congressional elections for Mr. Bush's last two years in office. He called it a "thumping."Democrats have not controlled both houses of Congress since 1994. 在布什执政的两年中共和党在选举中受到重创。他称其为“重击”。民主党自1994年后始终没有控制国会两院。
- Donald Rumsfeld resigned as US defence secretary yesterday after the Democratic party won a resounding victory in mid-term Congressional elections that were considered a referendum on the war in Iraq. 唐纳德?姆斯菲尔德昨日辞去美国国防部长一职。此前,在被视为美国对伊拉克战争全民公决的中期选举中,民主党赢得了明确胜利。
- Republicans took a beating in the congressional elections for Mr. Bush's last two years in office. He called it a"thumping." Democrats have not controlled both houses of Congress since 1994. 在布什执政的两年中共和党在选举中受到重创。他称其为“重击”。民主党自1994年后始终没有控制国会两院。
- With congressional elections approaching, these reports could pose political problems for the administration, and department officials have been scurrying to understand and deal with the problem. 随着国会大选日益迫近,这些报告将会给政府部门带来一些政治问题。所以,相关部门的官员已经忙不迭的了解和处理这一问题。
- The media circus threatens to overwhelm the Republican campaign for next month's mid-term congressional elections, which look increasingly tight both in the House and in the Senate. 这个爆炸消息对共和党竞选下月国会中期选举,并想以此控制白宫和参院,无疑是个重大打击。
- Potentially more important could the Congressional elections, which would give the Democrats a majority (filibuster blocking) 60 seats and would give them a critical edge in passing legislation. 美国国会中期选举可能更为重要,因为在美国国会中,在通过立法方面,民主党优势明显,成员居多(阻挠拦截),占据了60个席位。
- The National People's Congress elects, and has the power to recall, members of its Standing Committee. 全国人民代表大会选举并有权罢免全国人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员。