- Study on serology of congenital cleft lip and cleft palate patients TORCH infection. 先天性唇腭裂病儿TORCH感染的血清学研究
- Objective To find the methods how to prevent the birth of infants through analyzing the etiological factor of congenital cleft lip and cleft palate. 目的探讨先天性唇腭裂的发病因素,找出预防先天性唇腭裂患儿出生的方法。
- Objective To study the feasibility and linguistic function effect of palatorrhaphy for congenital cleft palate in infancy. 目的分析104例先天性腭裂患儿婴儿期手术修复的效果,探讨先天性腭裂婴儿期修复的可行性及语言功能效果。
- In our country,the methods and techniques on the treatment of congenital cleft lip and cleft palate patients were most original from foreign literatures. 先天性唇腭裂的治疗,多年来我们采用国外学者提出的方法和技术,现我国亦有了一些有意义的研究成果。
- congenital cleft lip and cleft palate 先天性唇腭裂
- Clinical classification and etiological study in 1524 patients with congenital cleft lip and cleft palate 1524例先天性唇腭裂的临床分类和发病因素分析
- Analysis of Causes of Inspiratory Dyspnea and it's Treatment Following Palatoplasty of Congenital Cleft Palate in Infants 婴儿先天性腭裂术后吸气困难分析处理
- congenital cleft palate 先天性腭裂
- Cleft palate: Fairly common congenital disorder in which a fissure forms in the roof of the mouth. 颚裂:一种常见的先天性疾病--胎龄两个月时颚板未能融合而遗留裂隙。
- Cleft palate: Fairly common congenital disorder in which a fissure forms in the roof of the mouth. 颚裂:一种常见的先天性疾病--胎龄两个月时颚板未能融合而遗留裂隙。
- Cleft palate: Fairly common congenital disorder in which a fissure forms in the roof of the mouth . 颚裂:一种常见的先天性疾病--胎龄两个月时颚板未能融合而遗留裂隙。
- Their baby had an operation to repair a cleft palate. 他们的宝宝接受了兔唇整形手术。
- Objective To study the features of cleft palate speech in Mandarin. 目的研究腭裂患者发普通话语音的特点。
- A twisted nose, saddle nose, and congenital cleft lip nose were successfully treated using open rhinoplasty with autogenous auricular cartilage. 运用耳壳软骨移植物,成功矫正鼻扭曲、马鞍鼻,及先天性唇裂鼻的外观缺陷。
- Unilateral technique for primary repair of cleft palate: A preliminary report. 单侧手术修复腭裂的初步报告。
- The perinatal birth defects stood on the first 5 rank of incidence list followed by cheiloschisis, cleft lip and cleft palate, hypospadia, congenital hydrocephalus and congenital heart disease. 出生缺陷分类构成的顺位前5位依次为唇裂、唇裂合并腭裂、尿道下裂、先天性脑积水及先天性心脏病;
- Clefts lip and cleft palate are common congenital anomalies.The etiology of clefting is complex.It is very likely that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to this malformation. 唇腭裂是一种常见的先天性畸形,其病因非常复杂,目前倾向认为是由多种基因和环境因素共同作用的结果。
- Objective To observe the possible effect of Fibrin Glue( FG) onthe healing of wound after cleft palate surgery. 目的观察生物蛋白胶在腭裂整复术创口中的应用对伤口愈合效果的影响。
- Determine fetal position, then scanned fetal face on coronal, sagittal and transverse planes, to diagnose cleft lip, or complicate d cleft palate. 首先确定胎位,然后对胎儿颜面部进行冠状、矢状及横切面扫查,利用相互垂直的三个正交切面发现并确诊胎儿唇腭裂。
- Objective To observe the repairing effect of the cleft palate with two petal pusher and pharyngeal flap. 目的:观察两瓣后推+咽后瓣成形术修复腭裂的治疗效果。