- confucian and Taoist inspirit 儒道精神
- In the long course of history, Confucian and Taoist have not been mixed into one school although assimilated a little into each other. 摘要儒道两家尽管经过历史的融合,他们之间的精神脉络却并没有完全同一化。
- Confucian and Taoist Ideas of Secluded Life 略论儒道两家的隐逸观
- There are three aspects in his theory: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. 本文从王学和佛教思想两个方面来具体分析它的学术背景。
- mastery of both Confucian and Taoist thoughts 儒道兼修
- complementation of Confucian and Taoist Schools 武术人文精神
- Confucianism and Taoism run through the entire history of the Chinese traditional Qin culture. 中国传统琴道文化作为中国传统文化的一个典范,其内涵博大精深。
- In the ensuing Sui dynasty, Confucianism and Taoism were again fused with Buddhism to legitimize it. 接下来的隋朝,统治者又将儒教道教与佛教混合起来合法化其权利。
- The core of Confucianism and Taoism is the headstream of advocating elegance and despising popularity. 儒家和道家的思想内核是尚雅鄙俗风尚的文化渊源。
- A Study about the Confucian and Taoist Sport Thoughts 关于儒、道两家体育思想的研究
- the Confucian and Taoist scholars in the pre Qin days 先秦儒道诸子
- On the other hand, “complementation of Confucianism and Taoism” expresses personality model of the traditional Chinese aesthetic psychology. 另一方面,“儒道互补”则极好地展示出中国传统审美心理学的人格模式。
- As an important character in Weijin style, Yaliang syncretized Confucianism and Taoism, incarnating the ideal character of Weijin Metaphysics. 摘要“雅量”是魏晋人物品鉴中相当重要的一个品目,其本质是沟通儒道,“游外以弘内”,是魏晋玄学理想人格的体现。
- The theories of Confucianism and Taoism repel,contradict and couple with each other,thus forming the systematic mechanism of ancient China's aesthetic harmony conception. 儒道两家学说互斥互补 ,对立统一 ,二元耦合 ,形成古代和谐观相互耦合的系统机制
- That both Buddhism and Taoism coexist here? 就是说山上佛教、道教并存吗?
- A Chinese dynasty(traditionally dated1122-221 b.c.) characterized by great intellectual achievements,including the rise of Confucianism and Taoism and the writing of the oldest known Chinese literature. 周朝中国历史上的一个朝代,(习惯上追溯到公元前1122-221年)以伟大的智慧结晶为特征,包括儒学和道学及中国最早的著名文学作品的出现。
- A Chinese dynasty(traditionally dated1122-221 b.c.) characterized by great intellectual achievements, including the rise of Confucianism and Taoism and the writing of the oldest known Chinese literature. 周朝中国历史上的一个朝代,(习惯上追溯到公元前1122-221年)以伟大的智慧结晶为特征,包括儒学和道学及中国最早的著名文学作品的出现
- Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental civilization introduced me to the wealth of Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths of my mind the inexplicable“ China dream”. 大学时期有一位东方文明史的教授,他使我对中国的儒家思想和道家学说的丰富内容有所了解,同时也使我萌生了一个不可名状的“中国梦”。
- A Chinese dynasty(traditionally dated1122-221 b. C.) Characterized by great intellectual achievements, including the rise of Confucianism and Taoism and the writing of the oldest known Chinese literature. 中国历史上的一个朝代,(习惯上追溯到公元前1122-221年)以伟大的智慧结晶为特征,包括儒学和道学及中国最早的著名文学作品的出现。