- coneshaped epiphyses 锥状骺
- The order ofthe normal carpal bone ossification center appearance and epiphyses fusing was obtained. 得出哈萨克族正常手、腕部各骨骨化中心出现及干骺愈合顺序。
- Results: The order ofthe normal carpal bone ossification center appearance and epiphyses fusing was obtained. 结果:得出哈萨克族正常手、腕部各骨骨化中心出现及干骺愈合顺序。
- Pediatric patients may deelop slipped capital femoral epiphyses more frequently if they hae endocrine disorders or during rapid growth. 如果患有内分泌病症或正处于快速增长期,儿科患者会更频繁地出现大股骨骺滑动。
- Results:Cartilage canals which grew into epiphyses from perichondrium or cruciate ligaments were found at 14 wk,increased at 22 wk and developed fully at 29 wk of gestation. 结果:胎儿8周时无软骨管,14周软骨管数目少,22周增多,29周最多,分支复杂,新生儿软骨管数目减少。软骨管除由动脉、静脉和毛细血管,还包含淋巴管。
- The article discusses the correlation between SOS and the histological characteristics of epiphyses.According to the difference between bone and epiphyses,the paper tr... 本文就骺软骨的组织学特点与超声速值的关联性开展讨论,根据骨与骨骺之间的组织学区别,以便更清楚地分析超声检测技术在骺软骨发生、发育过程中的作用和变化规律。
- aration of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses 下胫腓骨骺分离
- These plates are between the epiphyses and diaphysis of the bone.Columns of chondrocytes on the epiphyseal side divide continuously causing this growth (Silverthorn, 2001). 这些板块是骨骺和骨干之间的部分,骨骺面的关节软骨细胞不断划分引发骨骼的生长。
- separation of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses 下胫腓骨骺分离
- Juvenile osteochondrosis of vertebral epiphyses 脊椎骺板幼年性骨软骨病
- Keywords Epiphyses;Wounds and injuries;Fibulas;Transplantation; 关键词骨骺;创伤和损伤;腓骨;移植;
- Keywords Epiphyses;Wounds and injuries;Magnetic resonance imaging; 关键词骨骺;创伤和损伤;磁共振成像;
- Keywords femur head;epiphyses;magnetic resonance imaging; 股骨头;骨骺;磁共振成像;
- Keywords epiphyses;bone lengthening;leg length inequality; 骨骺;骨延长术;腿长不等;
- Value of X-Ray Plate in Diagnosing the Childish Epiphyses Cartilage Fracture 儿童骺软骨骨折X线平片的诊断价值
- Keywords Acetabulum;Epiphyses;Periosteum;Hip dislocation;Congenital; 髋臼;骨骺;骨膜;髋脱位;先天性;
- Keywords Bone diseases;Epiphyses;slipped;Children;Diagnostic errors; 关键词骨疾病;骨骺脱离;儿童;误诊;
- Keywords epiphyses slipped;humerus;diagostic errous;elbow joint dislocation; 骨骺脱离;肱骨;误诊;肘关节脱位;
- Related Analysis of Sound Speed with Histological Characteristics of Distal Radio-ulna Epiphyses 桡、尺骨远端骺软骨的组织学特点与超声速值的关联性分析的研究现状
- Anatomic study on the transplantation of iliac epiphyses pedicled with the deep superior branch of superior gluteal artery 臀上动脉深上支髂骨骺移植的解剖学研究