- He is well versed in the science of optics. 他精通光学。
- Cone of tailstock quill bore MT No. 尾架套筒孔莫式锥度。
- The staminate cone of pine is male rather than female. 松树雄球果是雄性而非雌性。
- cone of optics 光锥
- the prism shape cone of optics 棱形光锥
- Examples and Analysis of Optics Problems in the 2006 U.E.E. 例析2006年高考题中的光学问题。
- A system of optical components that magnifies. 能起放大作用的一组光学元件
- Applied Anatomy of the Transcranial Decompression of Optic Canal. 经颅视神经管减压术的应用解剖。
- Spotlight: A light source that emits a cone of light. 聚光灯:它射出的光形成一个锥形。
- Of or relating to the science of optics or optical equipment. 光学的与光学或光学仪器有关的
- Trunk basally buttressed, often with a cone of stilt roots at base. 基部板根的树干,通常在基部具锥形支柱根。
- The Fundamental Limits of Optical Lithography. 光刻的限制。
- The center of the cone of fire does rise above 1 meter from the ground. 射击台的中心确实高于地面1米。
- A lens made of optical crown glass. 用冕光学玻璃制成的透镜。
- Methods of optical test for welding goggles. 焊接护目镜光学性能试验方法.
- The VLT is an array of optical telescopes. 甚大望远镜是一组光学望远镜阵列。
- The playback effect of optical discs for music is very perfect, no hiss and crackle as with other photo-records. 音乐光盘播放音乐的效果非常完美,没有像用其他唱片那样的嘶嘶声和噼啪声。
- Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil. 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。
- Diagnosis and treatment of optic chiasmatic-hypothalamic glioma. 视交叉-下丘脑胶质瘤的诊断与治疗。
- They have no Frost Nova or Blink, no Cone of Cold, no Ice Block, no travel form, no Nature's Grasp, etc. 他们也没有冰霜新星,没有闪现,没有冰锥,没有冰箱,没有旅行形态,没有缠绕等等。