- A state of ambiguity or obscurity. 含糊不清或者晦涩的状态
- His speech was a masterpiece of ambiguity. 他的演说极尽含糊笼统。
- Cone of tailstock quill bore MT No. 尾架套筒孔莫式锥度。
- cone of ambiguity cone 不定性锥区
- cone of ambiguity 不定性锥区
- The staminate cone of pine is male rather than female. 松树雄球果是雄性而非雌性。
- In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. 面对含糊不清,拒绝诱惑的猜测。
- Perhaps the commonest cause of ambiguity is careless word order. 原译:也许歧义的最普通的原因是由于粗心导致的词序。
- His reply was full of ambiguities. 他的答复非常暧昧。
- Spotlight: A light source that emits a cone of light. 聚光灯:它射出的光形成一个锥形。
- Their investigation report was full of ambiguities. 她们的调查报告模棱两可。
- Trunk basally buttressed, often with a cone of stilt roots at base. 基部板根的树干,通常在基部具锥形支柱根。
- Her reply was full of ambiguities. 她的答覆句句都是模棱两可的。
- The center of the cone of fire does rise above 1 meter from the ground. 射击台的中心确实高于地面1米。
- The quantity of ambiguity and re-strictive condition are in the direct ratio. 歧义的数量与限制条件的数量成正比。
- Compare that kind of ambiguity with the typical modernist ambiguity of Harold Pinter's The Birth c/ay Party. 我们且把这种含糊不清与哈罗德·品特的《生日晚会》中典型现代主义的含糊不清做一比较。
- Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil. 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。
- The most important role of a leader is to take on his shoulder the burden of ambiguity inherent in difficult choices. 一位领导人的最重要的作用,是要在难以抉择的迷雾中承担责任,作出决断。
- They have no Frost Nova or Blink, no Cone of Cold, no Ice Block, no travel form, no Nature's Grasp, etc. 他们也没有冰霜新星,没有闪现,没有冰锥,没有冰箱,没有旅行形态,没有缠绕等等。
- So you consider this insistence on a kind of ambiguity on the One China Policy or what you want to make more clear? 你在这方面的立场,是在一个中国立场上持双重标准吗?你可以再说清楚一点吗?