- Does free condom distribution help people form a safe-sex habit?This is the good intention of the activists, but largely a fallacy.In reality, free condom distribution seems to create dependency. 至于说派赠安全套可以帮助大家养成性安全的习惯,这确实是抗艾活动家们的良好意愿,然而在现实中,这种看法却不大站得住脚。
- Funders for condom programs could consider using a portion of the funding for free condom distribution to purchase condoms to sell at low-cost retail. 资助安全套项目的机构,不妨考虑拨出一部分用于派赠安全套的钱,拿它来购买安全套,以低价零售。
- The distribution of the magazine is 2000. 该杂志的销售量为2000份。
- We have a good product but our distribution is bad. 我们的产品很好,但销售情况不佳。
- The distribution is as tabled below. 其分布情形如下表。
- condom distribution 分发避孕套
- A contraceptive device, especially a condom. 避孕工具预防怀孕的器具,尤指避孕套
- The sexual assault kit indicates recent condom use. 性袭击检查显示最近使用过避孕套
- Then you get to do it with a condom. 然后才是做些用得上安全套的事情。
- After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up. 在年终分配之后,这个公社家家户户都有钱存入银行。
- Know you need a condom but aren't sure which kind? 你知道你需要使用安全套,但又不知应该购买那一款?
- Can you please tell me who is in charge of distribution? 能否告诉我哪能一位是销售部门的主管。
- Is the anti-rape condom a good idea? 反强奸女用避孕套,是不是一个好主意?
- Tell Latrell if he needs a condom... |如果你要用什么保护措施的话...
- One brave white man eh? Were you wearing a condom? 真是个勇敢的白人小伙子你戴套了吗?
- An issue of printed material offered for sale or distribution. 出版物一种用于出售或分发的印刷材料
- New addition to the World\'s Best Condom List. 新被评为世界上最好的避孕套的之一。
- Dispose of the used condom hygienically. 避孕套使用完后请妥善处置。
- They could not agree about the distribution of the profits. 他们对于利润的分配意见不一致。
- Do you want free condom? They're boysenberry. 要不要免费避孕套?是草莓味的。(还是接待员说的话)